Release Features
From OpenEMR Project Wiki
- This is for listing the new features in each release.
Version 7.0.3
- Click here to see CHANGELOG for detailed listing of new features and fixes.
- ONC Certification
- New ONC B11 Decision Support Interventions (DSI).
- New Weno EZ eRx Module
- New Real World Testing Report for 2025
- Fax and SMS Module Improvements and Fixes
- Patient Portal Improvements and Fixes
- Import CCDA Utility Script Improvements and Fixes
- SMART Support Improvements
- OAuth2 Support Improvements
- FHIR Improvements and Fixes
- API Improvements and Fixes
- CCDA Improvements and Fixes
- Module Support Improvements and Fixes
- Module Manager Improvements
- CDR Engine Improvements and Fixes
- Patient Flow Board Improvements
- Billing Improvements and Fixes
- EDI Improvements and Fixes
- Questionnaire Improvements and Fixes
- Documents Fixes and Improvements
- Encounter Improvements and Fixes
- Insurance Improvements and Fixes
- Forms Improvements and Fixes
- Referral Form Improvements
- Fee Sheet Improvements
- Eye Form Improvements and Fixes
- CAMOS Form Fixes
- Patient Appointment Report Improvements and Fixes
- Coding Lookup Improvements and Fixes
- SNOMED Lookup Improvements
- Logging Improvements and Fixes
- Email Service Improvements and Fixes
- Office Note Fixes and Improvements
- Manage Duplicate Patients Improvements and Fixes
- CLI Commands Improvements and Fixes
- Calendar Fixes
- Immunization Fixes
- Google Sign-In Fixes
- Layout Based Forms Fixes
- Eligibility Fixes
- Address Book Fixes
- Procedures Fixes
- Prescription Fixes
- SNOMED Import Fixes
- Direct Messaging Fixes
- Scanned Noted Form Fixes
- Security fixes
- Patient Summary Screen Fixes
- PHP 8.3 and 8.4 Fixes
- Documentation Fixes
Version 7.0.2
- ONC Certification
- New Support for Electronic health information (EHI) Export (ONC b10 criteria)
- See HERE for list of addressed issues in github for this release
- New Support for Nationality
- New Background Service to Manage Outgoing Emails
- New Support to Store Fee Schedules from Various Payers
- Module Support Improvements and Fixes
- Claims Clearinghouse Module Improvements (Video Presentation)
- Telehealth Module Improvements (Blog Article)
- Patient Portal Improvements and Fixes
- SMART Support Improvements
- OAuth2 Support Improvements
- FHIR Improvements and Fixes
- API Improvements and Fixes
- CCDA Improvements and Fixes
- Patient Summary Screen Improvements
- Patient Finder Improvements
- Encounter Improvements and Fixes
- Clinical Issues Improvements
- Clinical Note Improvements
- Invoice Improvements
- Facilities User Interface Improvements
- Login User Interface Improvements and Fixes
- Theme/Style Improvements
- Maximum Failed Login Mechanism Improvements
- Calendar Fixes
- Lab Fixes
- Payment and Checkout Fixes
- Billing Fixes
- ERA Posting Fixes
- Insurance Claim Fixes
- Patient Dashboard Prescription Fix
- Clinical Report Fixes
- Growth Chart Fixes
- Pnote fixes
- Inventory Management Fixes
- Patient Tracker Fixes
- MFA TOTP Registration Fix
- NewCropRX Fixes
- Eye Form Fixes
- Dated Reminders Fix
- Security fixes
- PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 Fixes
- Documentation Fixes
Version 7.0.1
- ONC Certification
- New Support for Following Easy to Use Core Modules:
- New FHIR and Encounter Questionaires and Assessments
- New PKCE Support for Oauth2
- New Real World Testing Report
- New Support for Immunizations Export to Spreadsheet
- New Support for Login Tokens
- Added Voided Claim to Misc Billing Options and 837 File
- Added PHQ-9 Form
- Login Screen Improvements and Fixes
- Branding and Logo Improvements for Multisite
- CCDA Improvements and Fixes
- FHIR Improvements and Fixes
- API Improvements and Fixes
- Calendar Improvements and Fixes
- Prescription and Medication Improvements and Fixes
- Patient Portal Improvements and Fixes
- Vitals form improvement and Fixes
- Billing Improvements and Fixes
- Payment Improvements and Fixes
- Invoice Improvements
- Encounter Improvements and Fixes
- Insurance Improvements and Fixes
- Messaging Improvements and Fixes
- Telehealth Module Improvements and Fixes
- Layout Editor Improvements and Fixes
- ICD10 Codes Update
- ICD10 Import Improvements
- GAD7 Form Improvements
- External Data Report Improvements and Fixes
- Module Installer Improvements
- Google Sign-in Module Fixes
- Track Anything Module Fix
- File White Listing Fixes
- Patient Portal Registration Fix
- Patient Search Fix
- Patient History Form Fix
- Patient Portal EASIPRO Fix
- Patient Portal History Form Fix
- Growth Chart Fix
- Practice Settings Insurance Companies and Pharmacies Fixes
- Procedure Statistics Report Fix
- Background Service Manager Fix
- Recall Board Fixes
- Language Editor Fixes
- Docker Updates to Support Kubernetes and Orchestration
- PHP 8.1 and 8.2 Fixes
- Security Fixes
Version 7.0.0
- Article on release: OpenEMR Achieves ONC 2015 Cures Update Certification with Groundbreaking Release 7.0
- ONC Certification
- New Clinical Quality Measures Reporting
- New Automated Measure Calculations Reporting
- New Support For USPS Address Verification
- New Social Screening Tool Form
- New Support for Using Patient Portal Compliant Encounter Forms in Patient Portal
- New Support for Multiple Addresses in Demographics
- API Support Improvements
- FHIR Support Improvements
- OAuth2 Support Improvements
- CCDA Support Improvements
- Module Support Improvements
- Patient Portal Improvements
- Patient Dashboard Improvements
- QRDA Support Improvements
- FHIR Documentation Updates
- API Documentation Updates
- Patient Portal Email Registration Fix
- Billing Fixes
- Fee Sheet Fixes
- Eye Form Fix
- Calendar Fix
- WENO Fixes
- MedEx Fixes
- Code Selector Fixes
- ACL (Access Control Lists) Fixes
- Multisite Module Fixes
- Insurance Fix
- Medical Issues Fix
- Backup Fix
- PHP 8 Fixes
- Security Fixes
Version 6.1.0
(note the items with ** can also be found in the most recent patch for 6.0.0)
- New Support for Fully Integrated Payment Processing**
- Patient Portal New Features and Improvements**
- User Interface Improvements
- New Support for Template Profiles and Patient Groups
- Forum post covering new Patient Portal features at:
- Video covering new Patient Portal features at:
- Documentation covering new Patient Portal features at:
- New Support for Fully Integrated Telehealth Modules**
- New Support for Google Sign-In
- New Support for Implantable Devices
- New Support for Care Teams
- New GAD-7 Form**
- Numerous User Interface Improvements
- FHIR Support Improvements
- OAuth2 Support Improvements
- CCDA Support Improvements
- Module Support Improvements
- Demographics Improvements and Fixes
- Direct Message Improvements and Fixes
- Messaging Improvements
- Inventory Improvements
- Translation Editor Improvements
- Login Page Improvements
- Dictation Form Improvements
- Added Setting to Turn on/off Input of onset/hospitalization Date for Each Visit**
- Clinical Decision Rules Editor Fixes**
- Calendar Fixes
- MedEx Improvements and Fixes
- Newcrop eRX Fixes**
- WENO Exchange ePrescribing Fixes**
- Vitals Form Fix**
- Eye Form Fixes**
- Layout Based Form fix**
- Patient Finder Fix**
- Billing Fixes
- EDI History Fixes
- Fee Sheet Fix**
- Billing Daysheet Fix**
- Collection Report Fix**
- Document Fixes
- Procedure Order Fixes
- Address Book Fix
- Code Types Fix**
- Pnote Fix**
- Backup Fixes
- Unique Installation ID Fix**
- Session and Timeout Fixes
- PHP 8 Fixes
- MySQL 8 Fix**
- Sql Upgrade Optimizations**
- UUID Creation Optimizations
- Added Swagger to Support FHIR/API Documentation and Testing
- Security Fixes
Version 6.0.0
- Numerous User Interface Improvements
- Speed and Performance Optimizations
- New Support for FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
- New Support for SMART on FHIR
- New Support for OAuth2
- New Support for OIDC (OpenID Connect)
- New Support For EasiPro (Patient Reported Outcomes)
- New Support for Kubernetes
- New Docker Support for Raspberry Pi
- New Support for Argon Password Hashing
- New Database Support for utf8mb4 Encoding
- Patient Portal Improvements
- REST API Improvements
- Installer Improvements
- Patient Dashboard Improvements
- LDAP Improvements Including SSL Support
- Billing Improvements
- Payment and Batch Payment Improvements
- Fee Sheet Improvements
- Patient Flow Board Improvements
- Calendar Improvements
- Encounter Improvements
- Messaging improvements
- Patient History Improvements
- Immunization Module Improvements
- Dicom Viewer Improvements
- Procedure Order Form Improvements
- Referral Form Improvements
- Prior Auth Form Improvements
- Newcrop Rx Improvements
- CDR (Clinical Decision Rules) Engine Improvements
- CCDA Improvements
- MedEx Improvements
- Multisite Module Improvement
- CouchDB Improvements Including SSL Support
- Access Control Improvements
- Cookie and Session Improvements
- Logging Improvements
- Docker Improvements
- ICD10 Code Set Updated
- Supported in 34 Languages
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
- Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Versions of PHP, MariaDB and MySQL
- Modernization of Codebase
- Automated Testing
- Docker Development Environment Improvements
Version 5.0.2
- 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
- Numerous User Interface Improvements that Include Bootstrap and Responsive Web Design
- Numerous Security Improvements
- Multi-Factor Authentication Support (Support for TOTP and U2F)
- Robust Encryption Support
- Brute Force Login Prevention
- Access Control Improvements
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Improvements
- Optimization of Security for Sessions and Cookies
- Docker Deployment that Supports Best Security Practices
- New Support for Online Payment Universal Gateway (Authorize.Net and Stripe Supported)
- New Support for Insurance Eligibility Checking
- New Support for SNOMED Release Format 2 (RF2)
- New Support for Unique UUID to Identify Application
- New Howto Documentation and Tooltips
- External Module Support Improvements
- Patient Portal Improvements
- Patient Flow Board and Recall Board Improvements
- Patient Lookup and Searching Improvements
- Calendar Module Improvements
- CCDA Module Improvements
- Eye Form Module Improvements
- CAMOS Form Improvements
- Online Drug Lookup Improvements
- Online Drug Interactions Lookup Improvements
- Billing Module Improvements
- Collections Report Improvements
- Patient Documents Module Improvements
- CouchDB Support Improvements
- Lab Module Improvements
- Messaging Module Improvement
- MedEx Module Improvements
- List Editor Module Improvements
- Log Module Improvements
- Prescription Module Improvements
- WENO eRx Improvements
- NewCrop eRx Improvements
- Backup Module Improvements
- Birthday Alert Improvements
- ICD10 Code Set Updated
- SNOMED RF2 Support
- Supported in 34 Languages
- Internationalization Improvements
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
- Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of MySQL and MariaDB
- Speed and Performance Optimizations
- Modernization of Codebase
- Complete InnoDB Database Support
Version 5.0.1
- 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
- User Interface improvements
- New Feature Packed Patient Portal
- New Institutional Billing Support
- New FHIR Support
- New DICOM Image Viewer Support
- New WENO Rx With E-prescribing Support
- New Active Directory Support
- New Support for Role Based Menus and Custom Menus
- New Recall Board (for reminders)
- New Group Therapy Module
- New MedEx Communication Service
- New User Interface Themes
- New Patient Picture Icon
- New Patient Birthday Reminder
- New Support for MySQL/MariaDB SSL Connections
- CCDA Module Improvements
- Graphing Module Improvements
- Lab Module Improvements
- PDF Module Improvements
- Billing Module Improvements
- Patient Forms/Notes Module Improvements
- Prescription Module Improvements
- Immunization Module Improvements
- Access Control Improvements
- Patient Document Management Improvements
- Messaging Improvements
- Patient Tracker Board Improvements
- Eye Module Improvements
- Date and Time Localization Improvements
- Date and Time Selector Improvements
- Backup Module Improvements
- Nation Note Module Improvements
- Layout Engine Improvements
- RTL Support Improvements
- Form Validation Improvements
- Data Encryption Support Improvements
- ICD10 Code Set Updated
- Supported in 34 Languages
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
- Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
- Speed and Performance Optimizations
- Standardized Styling of Codebase
- Modernization of Codebase
Version 5.0.0
- 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
- New Modern Tab Based User Interface
- New Modern Ophthalmology/Optometry Module.
- New Logo
- New Login Screen
- User Interface improvements
- New Recurrent Appointment Widget on Patient Summary Page
- New Daily Summary Report
- New User Interface Themes
- New Feature to Import and Set holidays
- New Product Registration Feature
- Patient Tracker Board Improvements
- Patient Billing Statement improvements
- ICD10 Code Set Updated
- Form Validation Improvements
- Patient Appointment Display Improvements
- Fee Sheet Improvements
- EDI Module Improvements
- Supported in 33 Languages
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
- Converted Database Engine to InnoDB
- Migrated Main Codebase Repository to GitHub
Version 4.2.2
- 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
- Compatible with PHP7
- Compatible with most recent versions of MySQL and MariaDB
- Added a modern user interface
- Added full support for right to left languages
- Added an About link/page
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Supported in 30 languages
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
Version 4.2.1
- 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
- New Patient Flow Board
- New Care Coordination Zend Module by ZH Healthcare
- New Random Drug Screening Module
- New Patient Ledger
- New Layout Based Transactions
- New Print Logging Feature
- New Support For CCDA files
- Clinical Decision Rule Engine Improvements
- Patient Portal Improvements
- Lab Module Improvements
- Immunization Module Improvements
- Patient Demographics Module Improvements
- Logging Module Improvements
- Billing Module Improvements
- Fee Sheet Module Improvements
- Patient Search Module Improvements
- Sales Report Improvements
- Collection Report Improvements
- Appointment Report Improvements
- ICD10 Support Improvements and Fixes
- Patient Scheduling Module Improvements and Fixes
- Esign Module Fixes
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Supported in 30 languages
- Support for most recent ICD10 code set
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
Version 4.2.0
- 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
- CMS Portal (Patient Portal via a Wordpress Module)
- E-Sign Patient Forms and Encounters
- Templates for Patient Documents
- Track Anything Form.
- PDF output printing; Patient Label, Patient Address Label, Barcode Label
- Modules Manager (supports both ZEND and native modules)
- Patient Form Searching
- Numerous Layout Based Visit Form Improvements
- 0 Option, read only, Layout Based Visit Form
- A Option, age in years in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
- B Option, age in weeks in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
- P Option, default to previous value, Layout Based Visit Form
- Field Skipping feature in Layout Based Visit Form
- Source attribute in Layout Based Visit Form
- Lab Module Improvements
- Patient Education Module Improvements
- Billing Module Improvements, amend/overwrite View Log
- Patient Statement with Dunning Messages (coming soon)
- End of Day Report (Day Sheet)
- Direct Messaging Module Improvements
- Log Module Improvements
- Supported in 26 languages
- Support for most recent ICD9 and ICD10 code sets
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
- Numerous Bug Fixes
Version 4.1.2
- Continues to have Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: Certification Page
- Interoperability Support with Electronic Transfer and Incorporation of Patient Records via Standardized Continuity of Care Records
- Send and Receive Medical Records via Direct Messaging
- Patients Can Send Their Records within Patient Portal via Direct Messaging
- Electronic Lab Ordering and Result Collection
- Merging of Duplicate Patient Records
- Searching of Patient Forms/Notes
- Lab Results in Patient Reports
- EDI Claim History Analysis Module
- Patient Reports Created in Multipage PDF
- Ability to Clear the Active Patient
- Extended SNOMED Support to Import US Extension Code Set and Non-English SNOMED Code Sets
- Extended SNOMED Support to Clinical Terms
- Expanded Options for Recurring Appointments
- Option to Show Configurable Number of Past Clinic Appointments on Patient Summary Screen
- CDR Engine Reporting Improvements
- Patient Portal (both onsite and offsite) Improvements
- Lab Module Improvements
- Immunization Module Improvements
- Fee Sheet Module Improvements
- Billing Module Improvements
- Patient Form Module Improvements
- Code Type Module Improvements
- Improved Configuration Options and Support for Adding Code Types/Sets
- Improvements to Date of Birth calculations, formatting and options
- Improved Configuration Options for Growth Charts
- Improved Configuration Support for Issues
- Improved Interface for Adding, Modifying and Configuring Codes
- Support for lb and ounces in vitals
- New Forms
- Support for Background Services and a Background Services Manager Interface
- Automated Installation Script Improvements
- Document Module Engine Improvements
- Upgraded Embedded PhpMyAdmin
- Session Management Improvements
- Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Supported in 20+ languages. (not including a dummy language)
Version 4.1.1
- Continues to have Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: Certification Page
- Supported in 19 languages
- Supports ICD10 diagnosis and billing coding
- Supports SNOMED diagnosis coding
- Supports 5010 X12
- Ability to add support for region specific diagnosis/billing coding sets.
- Importing mechanism to support importing and upgrading of ICD9, ICD10, SNOMED and RxNORM standardized data.
- Modernized login screen
- Calendar layout improvements
- Reminders and Dated Reminders
- Compatible with MySQL 5.5 and PHP 5.4
- Ability to customize prescription layout, DEA, NPI and state license number
- Explicit support for a separate primary provider and referring provider in patient demographics
- Billing and Payment module improvements
- Supports multiple billing code modifiers
- Support for procedure specific claim notes
- Supports CouchDB storage of documents
- Additional patient searching mechanism added (Patient List)
- Customizable Facility specific user information tracking
- CQM and AMC reports with options for assigning patient-provider relationships
- Sort fax/scan pages to match the original order in a displayed document
- Ability to enter/modify Vital Signs timestamps
- The disclosures display screen supports pagination
- Additional contributed forms
- Multiple bug and security fixes
- Multiple database performance enhancements
- Patching mechanism
- Patient Notes module and the Message module are fully integrated/compatible
- Translation module supports comments in constants and translations
- ADODB framework upgraded
- Jquery framework upgraded
- Ubuntu package supports upgrading of Multisite Module OpenEMR instances
Version 4.1.0
- Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: Certification Page
- Clinical Decision Rules (CDR)
- E-Prescribing
- Embedded Internationalized Patient Portal
- Secure SOAP APIs to support third party patient portals
- Graphical form API
- Graphical pain form
- Patient education portal
- Calculation and reporting of Clinical Quality Measure (CQM)
- Calculation and reporting of Automated Measures Calculations (AMC)
- Addition of mechanisms to track/record AMC
- Added a medical record template and WYSIWYG editor (called "Nation Notes") to the Layout Based Forms (LBF) engine
- Support for standardized immunizations entry (CVX codes)
- Can record patient death (if patient is deceased, then is indicated in the patient summary screen)
- Ability to Hide/Show Left Pane Menu
- Option to color code calendar elements by facility
- Support for importing RXNORM data tables
- Support for importing SNOMED data tables
- New data object/types supported in Layout Based Forms(LBF) and the form generation tool, XMLformgen.
- New CSS theme, babyblue
- Chiropractor assessment form
- Ubuntu package is now compatible with Ubuntu 11.04
- Numerous bug fixes, cosmetic fixes and security fixes
Version 4.0.0
- Officially ONC certified as a modular EHR:
- Profound GUI improvements throughout entire application with full support of four CSS themes.
- New layout (sliding menus) display option.
- Patient Summary Screen, which displays modular patient information.
- Graphical charting of vital.
- Graphical charting of pertinent layout based forms.
- New improved Billing/Payment module.
- Added ability to delete a payment or adjustment, and to reset statements-sent count.
- Support for checking insurance eligibility.
- Added option for HCFA text form output
- Administration settings can be modified within OpenEMR (ie. no longer need to modify the globals file).
- User specific settings to control display layout and internationalization options.
- Support for multiple sites/databases from a single installation.
- Lab/procedure exchange and viewing module.
- New markedly improved logging engine (optional support of ATNA).
- Electronic Syndrome Surveillance reporting.
- Ability to search patients by procedures.
- Appointment report upgraded to list available appointments and support repeating appointments.
- Address book upgraded to capture person or company centric items, such as Laboratories.
- Document corruption checking (via SHA-1 validation).
- Exporting and importing of encrypyted documents.
- Added ability to edit patient insurance information in the new patient form.
- Widened support for CAMOS prescriptions and improved integration of CAMOS in the patient custom report..
- Translation editor module upgraded to manage local definitions and synchronize them with official translation releases.
- Support sorting/searching translations by the definitions in the translation editor module.
- Imagemagick (conversion of pdf's to jpg's) in custom reports is now supported on Windows servers also.
- Increased document upload size limit to 64MB.
- Upgraded to phpMyAdmin 2.11.10
- Supports command line installation.
- Updated user manual.
- Ability to produce EOB statements in PDF format.
- Improvements in Invoice Module.
- Support for custom formatting of currency, date and time.
- Added improved Messaging Module.
- Support for emergency user access.
- Support for an xml based method of form creation, xmlformgenerator.
- Patient photo and ID card are supported without any additional customizations.
- Packaged ICD9 codes with release.
- Support for recording disclosures.
- Improved security model.
- Numerous bug fixes.
- Migrated our development repository from cvs to git.