From OpenEMR Project Wiki

What is OpenEMR?

OpenEMR is Open Source electronic medical record and medical practice management software. OpenEMR includes electronic health records, scheduling software, insurance billing, accounting, and fine-grained access controls.

What is the quickest way for me to evaluate OpenEMR?

We host an OpenEMR online demo here at: OpenEMR Demo
We also offer an OpenEMR Virtual Appliance here: OpenEMR Virtual Appliance

Is OpenEMR CCHIT certified?

There is currently a certification effort underway. those interested should check out The CCHIT RoadMap.

What is OpenEMR's default password?

The default password is 'pass'

Are other languages supported?

Currently OpenEMR is functional in several languages. If you have an interest in helping translate OpenEMR into your native language, please let us know. We will be glad to add your language to the list and help get you started on the translation. Our latest information on the translation projects can be found HERE.

What are the correct PHP settings (can be found in the php.ini file) ?

We recommend the following PHP setting, which can be set in the php.ini file (If you do modify this file, remember to restart your web server (usually Apache) to apply the new settings):
short_open_tag = On
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_time = 90
memory_limit = 128M
display_errors = Off
log_errors = On
register_globals = Off
post_max_size = 30M
magic_quotes_gpc = On
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 30M
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT

What is CAMOS?

CAMOS (Computer Aided Medical Ordering System) is an additional feature. Original intentions where to "Make your choice and get it in the Files" kind of approach.
This feature needs below configuration:
  • Goto: Administration => Other => Forms => CAMOS register => enable; back to current visit and use.
  • You will find the installed CAMOS under Miscellaneous.
  • Beware of the fact that this feature has its own recipe, diagnose, and many other options.
  • Its highly flexible approach is, once understood, a nice shortcut for many medical observations/interventions.
More details and the CAMOS User manual can be found on the CAMOS Module wiki page.

What are Layout Based Visit Forms?

LBV Forms is an additional feature. To be used to create personal forms. Some extra Forms you wanted to have in your OEMR version.
More details and the LBV Forms manual can be found in the LBV Forms module wiki page.

How to include a photograph in the patient demographics screen?

Create an additional sub-directory In Documents under patient ID. Administration => Practice => Documents => Edit Documents. Click :Patient Information and create a Sub-Directory. Name it: Patient Photograph
Now activate a Patient/Client. Go to Current Client => Medical Record => Documents => go to Sub-Directory Patient Photograph.
Upload the Client's photograph. (Be sure to place it in Patient Photograph sub directory under patient own name. Photo should be: 320x240. Photo will show in Patient Demographics page. (Remember no directory or no photo, no visible picture!)
That is it. Details created with the advise given on OEMR Developers Forum as advise from Mark L.

What is ImageMagick?

This is imaging conversion software used by OpenEMR in the Patients->Report screen to convert pdf images to jpg images. In linux, this is almost always installed by default, so rarely causes problems in linux. However, if you are using Windows, then you will need to install ImageMagick and Ghostscript(gs871w32.exe file). When you install ImageMagick, ensure you select to allow it to configure it with your Path. After installing these programs in Windows, then restart Windows. For Windows, will require OpenEMR 3.2.0 (with latest patch installed) or later for ImageMagick to work.

What is FreeB?

FreeB is now obsolete. Previous to OpenEMR version 2.9.0, FreeB was a separate program that created insurance claims. However, in OpenEMR versions 2.9.0 and later the insurance billing engine is included in OpenEMR.

What is SQL-Ledger?

SQL-Ledger is now obsolete. Previous to version 3.0.0, SQL-Ledger was a separate accounting program to manage accounts receivable. However, in OpenEMR versions 3.0.0 and later the management of accounts receivables is included in OpenEMR.

What is GACL or php-GACL?

GACL or gacl is a short cut form for phpGACL. This is an acronym meaning Generic Access Control Lists. It allows fine grained control over OpenEMR. As an example, the physician can be permitted to view sensitive patient information, while the receptionist is unable to view this sensitive patient information.
Since OpenEMR version 3.0.0, access controls (php-GACL) is included in OpenEMR, thus requiring no separate installation or configuration. Administration of access controls is performed within OpenEMR in the Administration->acl menu.
In OpenEMR versions 2.9.0 and earlier, php-GACL was actually installed separately.

Can I Charge for the OpenEMR Software?

OpenEMR is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). This license makes few restrictions on the exchange of money for products or services.
What you can do:
  • You can charge for your time for installation and any hardware you provide.
  • You can charge for IT maintenance of the operating system and installation of OpenEMR upgrades, maintaining back ups etc.
  • You can charge for making software modifications to the system as needed.
  • You can charge a fee for the OpenEMR package as long as you follow the following guidelines [1], [2], and [3]
What you must do:
  • You must provide the source code in plain text to your clients.
  • You must provide a copy of the General GPL license. The General GPL license is actually included with the OpenEMR release. (See Also: [4])
What you can not do:
  • You can cannot mix OpenEMR with modules that are proprietary or closed source. For example you can only use modules that are also Open Source or Free Software. Open Source is defined by the OSI; Free Software is defined by the FSF; they are virtually identical.
  • If you modify the system you can charge for your efforts. We do ask that you consider releasing your improvements back to the project under the GNU GPL licensing.
What are the Terms and conditions of the System?
As per the website OpenEMR is open source so can we change the logos, functionality of the software, as we are having sms, other solutions that can be implemented?
  • Yes. With the exception that you may not remove the GPL license. The other terms and conditions listed above must be followed. If you incorporate other open source software it is legally easiest to use licenses that are similar. As examples Mozilla has its own Open Source license but it allows activities that are not permitted under the General GPL. So technically using software modules with Mozilla style licenses is not a problem as long as they do not conflict with the General GPL. But things can get very sticky in a way that it is difficult to operate legally. So in general it is better to only combine similar licenses.
  • You can charge for the changes in functionality. But the OpenEMR software must remain under the GPL license. The problem that comes up is that if you do not release your code back to the project, every time we release a new version you have to update your version with the changes that you made. The only other option is to not upgrade your OpenEMR as the new releases come out. Releasing your code back to the project under the GPL licensing means that each subsequent upgrade already includes your changes.
What license fee or other charges we have to pay OpenEMR team for the above modifications and implementations?
  • None. The software is free and open source, subject to the restrictions listed above.

Can I Add more information to this FAQ page?

YES, but you need special permission rights.
  • Just follow the rules and you will get permission rights to add your additions for this FAQ
  • Whatever you think is of any help for the community and what avoids similar questions and same answers could be added.