Fully Working OpenEMR 7.0.2 Demo

We offer 3 fully functional demo installations for you to try out. Some simple configuration has been added for clearer demonstration of OpenEMR, medical billing, accounting, access controls and patient portal. Each demo is reset overnight (8:00 am UTC time) so no data is persistent. Note there are 3 identical demos (‘Main’, ‘Alternate’, ‘Another Alternate’) offered in case a demo is down or has been modified. We also offer other OpenEMR 7.0.2 demos with the latest patch or code for the next patch and Development Demos (these are demos that are rebuilt daily from most recent development code) where you can test out new features.

OpenEMR Demo


Username Password Description
admin pass Administrator
physician physician Physician (more access than clinician)
clinician clinician Clinician (less access than physician)
accountant accountant Accountant
receptionist receptionist Front desk receptionist
Demo Link
OpenEMR 7.0.2 Main Demo https://demo.openemr.io/openemr
Alternate Demo https://demo.openemr.io/a/openemr
Another Alternate Demo https://demo.openemr.io/b/openemr

Patient Portal Demo


Patient Username Password Email
Phil1 phil heya@invalid.email.com
Susan2 susan nana@invalid.email.com
Demo Link
OpenEMR 7.0.2 Portal Demo https://demo.openemr.io/openemr/portal
Alternate Demo https://demo.openemr.io/a/openemr/portal
Another Alternate Demo https://demo.openemr.io/b/openemr/portal