OpenEMR 7 Patient Privacy Module

From OpenEMR Project Wiki

Patient Privacy Module


Even with the settings provided in the Globals, the restrictions on staff access to patient records do not satisfy the needs of some practices.

The Patient Privacy module adds to OpenEMR the capability to assign a specific patient to an individual provider which restricts that provider to only seeing that patient's medical record, calendar appointments, encounter documentation, etc. Then a Supervisor can be assigned to one or more providers which allows the Supervisor to access the patient records of all their supervisees.

'Patient Privacy' is an optional 3d party module which can be installed at no charge.

Read a summary of it here:

...and read the configuration documentation for administrators here:

NOTE- in the time since this was written some changes have been made. The Privacy Module has been incorporated into the EMR, and simplified to a blacklist that restricts provider access to specified patient records.

Please read some forum posts about it here:

and a brief description of accessing the new module here:

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