Automatic log-off (MU2)
From OpenEMR Project Wiki
MU Requirements
- Taken from ONC Final Rule:File:2014 Edition Cert Federal Register.pdf
(5) Automatic log-off. Prevent a user from gaining further access to an electronic session after a predetermined time of inactivity.
Per ONC/NIST Final Test Methods
- Tested by Jeyasithar
- Considered finalized by Visolve "Automatic log off comes under gap eligible criteria [Criteria categorized as "Unchanged" between 2011 and 2014 edition], so we don't need to retest this criteria since we doesn't make any change in automatic log off code. Automatic log off doesn't need inspection day testing and everything done via attestation. We can update automatic log off to finalized state in MU2 certification wiki."
– Meaningful Use Stage 2 Testing of OpenEMR