Administration Lists

From OpenEMR Project Wiki
A wide range of customizations and configurations can be done on these lists. Can get to them by going to Administration->Forms->Lists . OpenEMR depends on a variety of lists in order to function. Some of these can be edited in order to properly configure OpenEMR for most practices, and some of them can be safely ignored.

Address Book Types

  • Used in address book (Administration->Addr Book and Miscellaneous->Addr Book) for the 'Type' of entry.
  • Note each list entry can be set as a Company, Person, or Unassigned. This choice will effect the fields displayed in the Address Book.

Adjustment Reasons

Allergy Issue List

  • (This list was added in OpenEMR version 4.1.2)

Appointment Statuses


  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Chart Storage Locations

Clinical Plans

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rule Action Category

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rule Action Item

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rule Filter Methods

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rule Target Methods

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Age Intervals

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Comparisons

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Encounter Types

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Reminder Due Options

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Reminder Inactivation Options

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Reminder Intervals

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Reminder Methods

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Clinical Rules Target Intervals

  • Recommend not modifying this list.

Code Types

  • See Code Types page for description of code types and instructions.


  • Contains listing of countries used in forms throughout OpenEMR.

Date Master Criteria

Dental Issue List

  • (This list was added in OpenEMR version 4.1.2)

Disclosure Type

Drug Forms

Drug Intervals

Drug Routes

Drug Units




Fee Sheet

General Issue List

  • (This list was added in OpenEMR version 4.1.2)


  • Stores a custom immunization list (use of this list can be set via the Use Custom Immunization List setting).
  • Also allows mapping of your custom list items to standard CVX immunizations, which can be utilized to migrate from a custom list of immunizations to using the standard CVX immunizations.

Invoice Reference Number Pools

Issue Types

  • (This list was added in OpenEMR version 4.1.2)


  • Options available in the "Language" entry in patient demographics.

Layout-Based Visit Forms

Marital Status

  • Options available in the "Marital Status" in patient demographics.

Message Status

MSP Remit Codes

Nation Notes Replace Buttons

  • (This list was added in OpenEMR version 4.1.1)
  • This is a very specialized list for the Nation Notes Module. Within Nation Notes, when you add a component with a '??' token in it, it will pop up a window to select one of these values. In the popup, the button will contain the Title, while it will then insert the value in the ID into the document at the '??' when you click the button. These elements are not translated like the the Title entries in the other lists.

NewCrop eRx Role


Order Priorities

Order Statuses


Patient Flow Board Rooms

Patient Note Types

Payment Adjustment Code

Payment Date

Payment Ins

Payment Method

Payment Sort By

Payment Status

Payment Type

Price Level

Procedure Body Sites

Procedure Boolean Results

Procedure Lateralities

Procedure Report Statuses

Procedure Result Abnormal

Procedure Result Statuses

Procedure Routes

Procedure Specimen Types

Procedure Types

Procedure Units



Referral Source

Risk Factors

Risk Level

Service Category


  • Choices for patient sexes in patient demographics.

Smoking Status


  • Contains listing of states used in forms throughout OpenEMR. Note the ID holds the two letter abbreviation and the Title holds the entire name.

Subscriber Relationship

  • Holds insurance subscriber relationship to patient such as Self, Spouse, etc. Used in the insurance intake 'Relationship' field.

Surgery Issue List

  • (This list was added in OpenEMR version 4.1.2)

Tax Rate


  • Titles of people available in patient demographics. For example: Mr., Mrs., Dr.


  • Transaction type options, such as Referral, Legal, Billing, etc. Used at the Patient Summary Page->Transactions module.

User Defined List 1

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Forms->Lists module.

User Defined List 2

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Forms->Lists module.

User Defined List 3

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Forms->Lists module.

User Defined List 4

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Forms->Lists module.

User Defined List 5

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Forms->Lists module.

User Defined List 6

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Lists module.

User Defined List 7

  • Can be configured and then used in Administration->Layouts module or in Layout Based Forms. Rather than do this, however would recommend instead making a New List in Administration->Lists module.



  • Recommend not modifying this list.