User:Lisa Maginnis

From OpenEMR Project Wiki

Programming Experience

Currently the maintainer the following Free Software projects: OpenCashier (, and YACMS. As well as an active contributor to CreateVM (Qemu KVM Automatio). Specific language experience includes a firm grasp of: C/C++, Java, PHP5, Perl/Ruby, SQL, Korn/Bash/SH shell scripting, sed/awk processesing, some x86 assembly.

Administrative Experience

Application administration includes, but is not limited to: Apache, BIND, DHCPD, MySQL, OpenLDAP, PostgreSQL, Postfix, Exim, Dovecot. Systems administration includes, but is not limited to: AIX(4 and 5), GNU/Linux(Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, Suse, Gentoo, and Funtoo), Solaris(8, 9, and 10).