Prescribing Module
From OpenEMR Project Wiki
Revision as of 20:05, 4 December 2009 by Bradymiller (talk | contribs)
Main Functions
- Contains all the vital functions
- is called via /openemr/controller.php
- Contains the class C_Prescription extends Controller
- Included functions:
- C_Prescription (constructor)
- default_action
- This calls the edit template screen at openemr/templates/prescription/general_edit.html
- edit_action
- This redirects to default_action
- list_action
- block_action
- lookup_action
- edit_action_process
- send_action
- multiprintfax_header
- multiprint_header
- multiprintcss_header
- multiprintcss_preheader
- multiprintfax_footer
- multiprint_footer
- multiprintcss_footer
- multiprintcss_postfooter
- get_prescription_body_text
- multiprintfax_body
- multiprint_body
- multiprintfax_action
- multiprint_action
- multiprintcss_action
- send_action_process
- _print_prescription
- _print_prescription_old
- _email_prescription
- do_lookup
- _fax_prescription
- Included functions:
Main Class
- This is the container for each prescription
- Contains the class Prescription extends ORDataObject
- Important functions:
- Prescription (constructor)
- get_prescription_display
- A whole bunch of others, check out the file
- Important functions:
Smarty Templates
- Simple window with two links taking up left frame of Rx window
- List Prescriptions
- Calls list_action function in controllers/C_Prescription.class.php
- Add Prescriptions
- Calls edit_action function in controllers/C_Prescription.class.php
- List Prescriptions
- This is for online lookup of prescriptions