CMS Quality Reporting
MU Requirements
Report ambulatory quality measures to CMS or the States
For 2011, provide aggregate numerator and denominator through attestation as discussed in section II(A)(3) of this proposed rule. For 2012, electronically submit the measures as discussed in section II(A)(3) of this proposed rule.
Certification Criteria to Support the Achievement of Meaningful Use Stage 1:
1. Calculate and electronically display quality measure results as specified by CMS or states.
2. Enable a user to electronically submit calculated quality measures in accordance with the standard specified in Table 2A row 5.(CMS PQRI 2008 Registry XML Specification#,+).
Proposed Solution
1. Select a number of reports from CMS PQRI 2008 list, which has a total of 119 reports. (Not sure if we need to do all 119 reports).
2. Analyze the selected reports to see if the data is already available in OpenEMR.
3. Determine how to prepare the reports.
4. Prepare a test set based on the reporting requirements.
5. Build reporting structure in Administrator section.
Effected Code, Tables, etc
Here's a short list, and more is expected:
1. Health Plans
2. Vitals
3. Encounters
Owner and Status
Bobby Wen and Thomas Wong
Status as of 1/13/2009: We have analyzed meaningful use requirements and reviewed PQRI 2008 and 2010 measures.
- CCHIT_MU_2011_Project
- CMS PQRI 2008 Specifications
- AMA Quality Measures for 2008 PQRI
- Associated with Sourceforge forum thread: