Test Summary for CCR/CCD modules

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QA findings for CCR/CCD Modules

Test Summary:

1. OpenEMR is not following any RxNORM drug database. For medications, the drugs should be mentioned RxNORM compliant vocabulary as per ONC final rule. - yet to fix

 - Medications used in Electronic copy of health information, clinical summaries and exchange clinical information & patient summary record should be 
represented in RxNorm codes as like how we use ICD9 codes for diagnosis representation. Any source vocabulary that is included in RxNorm can be used.

Source vocabularies included in RxNorm are

GS       Gold Standard Alchemy
MDDB     Medi-Span Master Drug Data Base
MMSL     Multum MediSource Lexicon
MMX      Micromedex DRUGDEX
MSH      Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
MTHFDA   FDA National Drug Code Directory
MTHSPL   FDA Structured Product Labels
NDDF     First DataBank NDDF Plus Source Vocabulary
NDFRT    Veterans Health Administration National Drug File - Reference Terminology
SNOMED CT  SNOMED Clinical Terms (drug information)
VANDF    Veterans Health Administration National Drug File

2. OpenEMR generated CCR has not passed the validation tool testing because of procedures inclusion. If procedures are included, either CPT4 or ICD 9 codes should be mentioned. But procedures part is necessary only for inpatient EHR. - Resolved

3. Viewing the imported CCD and CCR documents in human readable format functionality is not working - Resolved

4. Some differentiation is needed between clinical summaries CCR (details of per visit) and electronic copy of health information and patient record (details of more than one visit ) - Fixed

5. Functionality issue - In CCD document, under contact info column, code [{$code=?}] is getting displayed - Resolved