Sending Email
Pre 3.3.0, mechanism involved using openemr/library/classes/class.phpmailer.php , and was not standardized.
This is standardizing as of version 3.3.0, and the new mechanism includes following files: openemr/library/classes/class.phpmailer.php (upgraded to version 5.1) openemr/library/classes/postmaster.php openemr/library/classes/class.smtp.php
The following settings can be found in openemr/interface/globals.php: //EMAIL SETTINGS // EMAIL METHOD (PHPMAIL, SMTP, SENDMAIL) $EMAIL_METHOD = "SMTP"; // HTML CHARSET $HTML_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; // SMTP SETTINGS $SMTP_Auth = true; $SMTP_HOST = ""; $SMTP_PORT = 25; $SMTP_USER = ""; $SMTP_PASS = "";
Here's an example of code using this mechanism (this is preliminary): require_once ($GLOBALS['srcdir'] . "/classes/postmaster.php"); $mail = new MyMailer(); $mail->From = $emailAddress; $mail->FromName = $name; $mail->isMail(); $mail->Host = "localhost"; $mail->Mailer = "mail"; $mail->Body = $emailContent; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->AddAddress($emailDestination, $firstNameDestination.", ".$lastNameDestination); if(!$mail->Send()) {
error_log("There has been a mail error sending to " . $firstNameDestination . " " . $mail->ErrorInfo); }
{ #email was sent