
From OpenEMR Project Wiki

MedEx Communication Service is a commercial messaging module available to openEMR practices utilizing version 5.0.1 and higher.

MedEx features:

E-mail, SMS and Voice messages for upcoming appointments reminders

    Flow Board synchronization displaying messages, their status and patient responses (confirmed, callback etc)

E-mail, SMS and Voice messages for Recalls

   Recall Board synchronization displaying MedEx messages

SMS Bot: embedded SMS interface for "freehand" communication Go Green Messaging: convert to digital mailings. Deliver documents based on:

    Office location
    Appointment Type
    Visit Status
    egs.  a letter specifically for Dr. Smith's no-show patients in Office C 
   Welcome e-mail with PDF of office forms/link to Portal to complete intake

Announcements: Blast SMS and/or Voice messages to select patients

Activating MedEx

MedEx is activated by checking the global Communications->Enable MedEx Communication Service. Refresh the Messages tab and the Registration Form is found in the new sub-menu File->Setup MedEx.