From OpenEMR Project Wiki
- Added this to attempt to standardize the assets that are used by openemr. Assets that are collected via bower are stored at interface/static; note this location is flexible since we are not sure where we will be storing these in the future as migrate to MVC architecture.
- The path is set to a global here in the codebase(so the path will be easy to change in the future, if needed, along with changing it in the .bowerrc file):
- (also see above commit for a example on using the global/path)
- Current assets are:
- font-awesome-4-6-3 (commit is pending to change from font-awesome to font-awesome-4-6-3)
- Development is ongoing for this project:
- Ideal directory for this stuff
- Ideal syntax of the bower openemr package
- Incorporating versioning of the assets to allow multiple versions of 1 library (ie. such as jquery)
- Several questions to answer:
- Use this only for front-end libraries (css/js)?
- Use composer for back-end libraries? If so, use separate directory?
- Should we be using bower for this or is it better to manually bring in packages in a standard fashion?