The OpenEMR API is divided into many modules, few of which have been documented.
There is presently a documentation project underway. please see OpenEMR API for an overview.
Core API
globals.php defines a series of global variables, most of which are editable via the 'Administration->Globals' page.
The prefered method of including globals.php is to use require_once, providing a relative path from where your file is located, to interface/globals.php. for instance: require_once('../../globals.php');.
The following variables are common to use everywhere in OpenEMR:
Variable | Used For | Default Value. |
$GLOBALS['athletic_team'] | True if we need to check squads. part of 'sports team' functionality. | False |
$GLOBALS['concurrent_layout'] | decide on target of back action in a form. | True or False |
$GLOBALS['encounter'] | the ID of the current encounter, or empty for none. | is_numeric() or "" |
$GLOBALS['fileroot'] | the path to the top of openemr in the filesystem. | /var/www/openemr/ |
$GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] | calendar code. | |
$GLOBALS['pid'] | The unique identifier of the current patient. | is_numeric(), or empty. |
$GLOBALS['srcdir'] | find files for inclusion. | $webserver_root/library/ |
$GLOBALS['style'] | ||
$GLOBALS['webroot'] | the path of the top of openemr, when generating URIs. | /openemr/ |
$css_header | include the global css stylesheet. | |
$tmore | the text string that should be the label next to the page name, on a show form page. |
The following variables are old, and depreciated.
Variable | Use | Reason for Depreciation |
$top_bg_line | colour selection. | the same function can be accomplished by editing the global openemr CSS stylesheet. |
$srcdir | find includes. | replaced by $GLOBALS['srcdir'] |
The prefered method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.
The following functions are common to use everywhere in OpenEMR:
This function is commonly used to check if a user has a given type or types of access to an ACO(access control object).
A category/subcategory describing a the ACO to which permission is being requested, and optionally the type or types of permissions being requested.
TRUE or FALSE if a single permission is being checked, or an array of TRUE/FALSE values coresponding to the types of permission requested. includes functionality for safely handling form data from the web browser, either via POST, GET, or from a cookie.
The preferred method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.
The following functions should be used in OpenEMR, in leiu using the _POST[], _GET[], and _REQUEST[] variables:
Function | Use | Accepts | Returns |
formData | retrieve a variable from post, get, or cookie data submitted by the browser. | The name of the variable requested, the type of data stream to look for it in (post, get, or request), and whether to use trim() against the data. | A string containing the requested data, put through strip_escape_custom(), add_escape_custom() and (optionally) trim(). | includes functionality for handling escaping of characters in html received from the client, and stored in the database.
The preferred method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.
The following functions should be used in OpenEMR, in leiu of calling htmlspecialchars:
Function | Use | Accepts | Returns |
text | Escape a PHP string for use as (part of) an HTML / XML text node. | The string to escape, possibly including "&", "<", or ">". | The string, with "&", "<", and ">" escaped. | includes functions for manipulating patient information.
The preferred method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.
The following functions are common to use everywhere in OpenEMR:
Function | Use | Accepts | Returns |
getPatientData | Get a patient's demographic data. | A patient ID, and optionally a subsection of the patient's demographic data to retrieve. | The requested subsection of a patient's demographic data. If no subsection was given, returns everything, with the date of birth as the last field. | includes functions for manipulating the database directly. Please try to use one of the APIs and the built in functions for manipulating/retrieving your data, rather than always reaching for a SQL statement.
The preferred method of including is to use require_once. for instance: require_once($GLOBALS['srcdir'].'/');.
Function | Use | Returns |
sqlInsert | perform insert query | the id of the newly inserted row. |
sqlStatement | perform query | result of mysql_query |
sqlQuery | perform query | result of mysql_fetch_array |
Forms API
The Forms API includes all of the functions required to create both per-encounter and non-encounter forms in the OpenEMR system. see The Forms API for more information.
Notes API
The Notes API manages non-medical notes, attached to a client's medical record. see The Notes API for more information.