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Revision as of 18:30, 22 April 2011
MU Requirements
Meaningful Use Measures:
Report ambulatory quality measures to CMS or the States. For 2011, provide aggregate numerator and denominator through attestation as discussed in section II(A)(3) of this proposed rule. For 2012, electronically submit the measures as discussed in section II(A)(3) of this proposed rule.
Certification Criteria for EHR:
- Calculate and electronically display quality measure results as specified by CMS or states.
- Enable a user to electronically submit calculated quality measures in accordance with the standard specified in Table 2A row 5.(CMS PQRI 2008
Registry XML Specification#,+). see: PQRI XML Output for CQM
- ICSA says the we need to choose 9 to pass certification. We had 6 listed as mandatory, I added 3 --Tony - www.mi-squared.com 06:08, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
- NQF 0013 Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement
- NQF 0028 Tobacco Use Assessment / Tobacco Cessation Intervention
- NQF 0024 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents
- NQF 0038 Childhood immunization Status
- NQF 0041 Influenza Immunization for Patients ≥ 50 Years Old
- NQF 0043 Pneumonia Vaccination
- NQF 0059 Diabetes Control: Hemoglobin A1C >9.0%
- NQF 0064 Diabetes Control: LDL < 100mg/dl
- NQF 0421 Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up
Provider Requirements
The following at the minimum needed by a Provider to use a certified system. There are a total of 44 needed by the Vendor (us ...)
- NQF 0013 Hypertension: Blood Pressure Measurement
- NQF 0028 Tobacco Use Assessment / Tobacco Cessation Intervention
- NQF 0421 Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up
- NQF 0024 Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents
- NQF 0041 Influenza Immunization for Patients ≥ 50 Years Old
- NQF 0038 Childhood immunization Status
- Choice of remaining MU/PQRI CQMs (from remaining 32)
- Choice of remaining MU/PQRI CQMs (from remaining 32)
- Choice of remaining MU/PQRI CQMs (from remaining 32)
- CQM PQRI Vendor Required Measures - This is a summary of the measure titles required (44 in all). Details of each measure (specs, etc) should be added there.
Data Mapping Project
- Mapping OpenEMR Data for CCD/CCR and CQM - This page has several spreadsheets that will be used to map MU defined data elements to their source in OpenEMR
Proposed Solution
1. Select a number of reports from CMS PQRI 2008 list, which has a total of 119 reports. Based on SF discussions, we selected 5 quality measures. See the listing.
2. Analyze the selected reports to see if the data is already available in OpenEMR. We propose the creation of a new section in Reports to pull the reports.
3. Determine how to prepare the reports. A number of changes are required in OpenEMR to make the data available for reporting use.
4. Prepare a test set based on the reporting requirements.
5. Build reporting structure in Administrator section.
Effected Code, Tables, etc
For all quality measures, CPT Category II codes are required. These codes are non-billable. Currently, all CPT codes are stored in "codes" table with a code type of 1. We propose to assign a new code type to Category II codes. There is no change to the table itself.
-- -- Table structure for table `codes` --
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `code_text` varchar(255) NOT NULL default , `code_text_short` varchar(24) NOT NULL default , `code` varchar(10) NOT NULL default , `code_type` tinyint(2) default NULL, `modifier` varchar(5) NOT NULL default , `units` tinyint(3) default NULL, `fee` decimal(12,2) default NULL, `superbill` varchar(31) NOT NULL default , `related_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL default , `taxrates` varchar(255) NOT NULL default , `cyp_factor` float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'quantity representing a years supply', `active` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '0 = inactive, 1 = active', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `code` (`code`)
We propose that Category II codes be mapped to the straight codes in procedure_type table using a procedure_panel category for two reasons:
- We need the code for reporting and
- Make it easier for the provider to order them together. See http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/Computer_Physician_Order_Entry for table details.
CQM Report Development
--Ken Chapple 18:30, 22 April 2011 (UTC)
Here is the github branch I'm working on: https://github.com/kchapple/openemr/commits/ken_rules_cqm
Do a fresh install of openemr. Check your database to make sure you have the 'enc_category_map' table (the install did not insert the table for me.) If not, import it directly from the database.sql file into your openemr database instance.
Here is the wiki link for the essential rules for MU certification: http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/CMS_Quality_Reporting See the list of 9 NFQs under the heading "MU Requirements." These are the reports we must implement.
The goal is to implement the list of 9 rules form the wiki link above.
The attached zip file contains the human-readable specifications for the reports.
The principal files of interest are: openemr/library/classes/rulesets/ruleSet.class.php
- contains skeletons or rules to be implemented
- stub functions are labeled with their NFQ number to correlate: 1.) PDF from specifications, 2.) NFQ from wiki, and 3.) stub in this file.
- "engine" code
- contains helper functions to gather data for implementing reports
- contains helper functions to gather data for implementing reports
Testing: I recommend saving an export of your database schema and data after you have completed testing.
Owner and Status
Bobby Wen and Thomas Wong (Intesync) John Williams - Garden
- CCHIT_MU_2011_Project
- CMS PQRI 2008 Specifications
- AMA Quality Measures for 2008 PQRI
- Associated with Sourceforge forum thread: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202506/topic/3517899
- Ten_Most_Expensive_Diseases