Difference between revisions of "CDR Activation Manager"

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[[Category:Certification]][[Category:Clinical Decision Rules]]
[[Category:Certification]][[Category:Certification Stage I]][[Category:Clinical Decision Rules]]

Latest revision as of 02:56, 9 September 2012


This tool will be used to control the status of clinical alerts and reminders system wide. It may be the basis of the full configuration GUI (aka Project 4). Consideration should be given to that possibility.

Functional Requirements

  • Item will be selectable from the Administration->Practice menu as CDR Alert Mgr. Only users with Administrator rights will be able to access the menu item or run the application.
  • The tools should open as a Jquery Modal (fancybox).
  • Use function below (located in library/clinical_rules.php) to collect all the pertinent rules. This function, used as shown, will skip rules that are related to CSM and ACM.
  • Each applicable rule is a row in a table with three check boxes: active alerts, passive alerts, and clinical reminders.

Screen Mockup

Screen below is a suggested mock-up, data listed may not represent the results of the resolve_rules_sql call. Other UI models, including JQuery/Ajax based UI are acceptable alternatives.
