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== Overview ==
#REDIRECT [[Ubuntu-Debian OpenEMR Development Package Installation]]
This one-click package will install/configure the most current development (unstable) version of OpenEMR from Sourceforge.  It is extremely easy to install and uninstall, and it will not interfere with the official [[OpenEMR 3.1 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation|Ubuntu/debian OpenEMR Production Version Package]].  Since this cvs code is unstable, this should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes.  So far, it has only been tested in the desktop version of Ubuntu 8.04, but should also work in the desktop and server versions of Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10, and Debian 4 and 5. (please email author below if the package worked (or didn't work) in these OS's).
To give a common scenario where this package would be useful:<br>
A user is currently using the official Debian OpenEMR Production Version package on their computer for their clinic.  They note interesting changes that have happened to the developer code (kept in cvs repository at Sourceforge) in the forums and would like to test/evaluate it on their local computer.  This package would install/configure this most recent code (we call it the cvs version) to allow the user to test/evaluate it.  When the user is done testing/evaluating, it is then very simple to remove this package.  Then in a couple more days/week they can repeat the package installation to again test/evaluate the most recent cvs version.
Note this package installs an "unstable" version of OpenEMR and is only meant for testing/evaluation. If you want the stable package for production purposes then go [[OpenEMR 3.1 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation|HERE]].
In Ubuntu, installation can either be done in desktop or command line.  In Debian, we recommend installing via command line.  We recommend uninstallation to be done in command line.
== Desktop Ubuntu Installation ==
1) Download package here: [http://www.bradymd.com/cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb] <small>(MD5 sum: 1ba733e70f83a109a33a604dc38bfee5)</small> (file size is only 8KB)<br>
2) Double click cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb file (this opens the GDEBI Package Installer)<br>
3) Click 'Install Package'
:''-Enter your Ubuntu password''
4) During installation, click 'Terminal' occasionally to follow status and supply user input as needed
:''-If prompted, create a mysql root password (applicable if installing mysql server)''
:''-If prompted, enter your mysql root password (during openemr installation)''
5) '''Then login to OpenEMR''', click in Ubuntu menu Applications-> Office-> Electronic Medical Records - OpenEMR (Developer Version - Unstable)
:''(user is 'admin' , password is 'pass')''
:''(can also login to OpenEMR by browsing to http://localhost/cvs-openemr)''
== Command line Ubuntu Installation ==
'''Commands (commands are in red):'''
:<span style="color:red;">wget bradymd.com/cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb</span>
:<span style="color:red;">sudo aptitude update</span>
:<span style="color:red;">sudo dpkg -i cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb</span>
::'' (If there was an error(s), then issue the following command (type 'Y' after):''<span style="color:red;"> sudo apt-get install -f </span>)
::''-If prompted, create a mysql root password (applicable if installing mysql server)''
::''-If prompted, enter your mysql root password (during openemr installion)''
'''Then login to OpenEMR:'''
:Desktop - Click in Ubuntu menu Applications-> Office-> Electronic Medical Records - OpenEMR (Developer Version - Unstable)
::''(user is 'admin' , password is 'pass')''
::''(can also login to OpenEMR by browsing to http://localhost/cvs-openemr)''
:Server - From another computer browse to server at http://server_IP_address/csv-openemr .
::''(user is 'admin' , password is 'pass')''
::''(server IP address can be found using 'ifconfig' command)''
== Command line Debian Installation ==
'''Commands (commands are in red):'''
:<span style="color:red;">wget bradymd.com/cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb</span>
:<span style="color:red;">su</span>
:<span style="color:red;">aptitude update</span>
:<span style="color:red;">dpkg -i cvs-openemr_1.0.0-4_all.deb</span>
::'' (If there was an error(s), then issue the following command (type 'Y' after):''<span style="color:red;"> apt-get install -f </span>)
::''-If prompted, create a mysql root password (applicable if installing mysql server)''
::''-If prompted, enter your mysql root password (during openemr installion)''
'''Then login to OpenEMR:'''
:Desktop - Click in Debian menu Applications-> Office-> Electronic Medical Records - OpenEMR (Developer Version - Unstable)
::''(user is 'admin' , password is 'pass')''
::''(can also login to OpenEMR by browsing to http://localhost/cvs-openemr)''
:Server - From another computer browse to server at http://server_IP_address/cvs-openemr .
::''(user is 'admin' , password is 'pass')''
::''(server IP address can be found using 'ifconfig' command)''
== Package Removal ==
=== Command line Ubuntu Removal ===
:'''Commands (commands are in red):'''
::<span style="color:red;">sudo dpkg -r cvs-openemr</span>
=== Command line Debian Removal ===
:'''Commands (commands are in red):'''
::<span style="color:red;">su</span>
::<span style="color:red;">dpkg -r cvs-openemr</span>
== Support ==
Brady Miller <brady@sparmy.com> http://www.bradymd.com/appliance/<br>
Amalu Obinna <amaluobinna@aol.com>

Latest revision as of 21:29, 24 April 2012