Difference between revisions of "Release Features"

From OpenEMR Project Wiki
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= Overview =
= Overview =
This is for listing the new features in each release (as of version 4.0).
:This is for listing the new features in each release.
= Version 7.0.2 =
* [[OpenEMR_Wiki_Home_Page#2015_ONC_Ambulatory_EHR_Certification|ONC Certification]]
* [[OpenEMR_7.0_B10|New Support for Electronic health information (EHI) Export (ONC b10 criteria)]]
* [https://github.com/openemr/openemr/milestone/12?closed=1 See HERE for list of addressed issues in github for this release]
* New Support for Nationality
* New Background Service to Manage Outgoing Emails
* New Support to Store Fee Schedules from Various Payers
* Module Support Improvements and Fixes
* [[ClaimRev_Clearinghouse_Module|Claims Clearinghouse Module Improvements]] ([https://community.open-emr.org/t/openemr-lecture-series-medical-billing-clearinghouse-and-eligibility-verification-in-openemr/20474/2 Video Presentation])
* [[Comlink_Telehealth_Module_Admin_Instructions|Telehealth Module Improvements]] ([https://www.open-emr.org/blog/openemr-comlink-telehealth-release-7-0-1-2023-04-25 Blog Article])
* Patient Portal Improvements and Fixes
* SMART Support Improvements
* OAuth2 Support Improvements
* FHIR Improvements and Fixes
* API Improvements and Fixes
* CCDA Improvements and Fixes
* Patient Summary Screen Improvements
* Patient Finder Improvements
* Encounter Improvements and Fixes
* Clinical Issues Improvements
* Clinical Note Improvements
* Invoice Improvements
* Facilities User Interface Improvements
* Login User Interface Improvements and Fixes
* Theme/Style Improvements
* [[Brute_Force_Login_Prevention|Maximum Failed Login Mechanism Improvements]]
* Calendar Fixes
* Lab Fixes
* Payment and Checkout Fixes
* Billing Fixes
* ERA Posting Fixes
* Insurance Claim Fixes
* Patient Dashboard Prescription Fix
* Clinical Report Fixes
* Growth Chart Fixes
* Pnote fixes
* Inventory Management Fixes
* Patient Tracker Fixes
* MFA TOTP Registration Fix
* NewCropRX Fixes
* Eye Form Fixes
* Dated Reminders Fix
* Security fixes
* PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 Fixes
* Documentation Fixes
= Version 7.0.1 =
* [[OpenEMR_Wiki_Home_Page#2015_ONC_Ambulatory_EHR_Certification|ONC Certification]]
* New Support for Following Easy to Use Core Modules:
** [[Comlink_Telehealth|Telehealth]] ([https://www.open-emr.org/blog/openemr-comlink-telehealth-release-7-0-1-2023-04-25 Blog Article])
** [https://community.open-emr.org/t/openemr-fax-and-or-sms-module-guide/20273 Fax and SMS] ([https://www.prweb.com/releases/2023/4/prweb19276863.htm Press Release])
** [[ClaimRev_Clearinghouse_Module|Billing Claim Submissions]]
** [[Sphere_Payment_Processing_Module|Payment Processing]] ([https://www.open-emr.org/blog/3-things-to-know-about-openemr-and-sphere/ Blog Article])
** [https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/rel-701/interface/modules/custom_modules/oe-module-prior-authorizations/README.md Prior Authorization]
* [https://www.open-emr.org/lectures/#openemr-form-builder-new-feature---quick-and-easy-form-builder New FHIR and Encounter Questionaires and Assessments]
* New PKCE Support for Oauth2
* New Real World Testing Report
* New Support for Immunizations Export to Spreadsheet
* New Support for Login Tokens
* Added Voided Claim to Misc Billing Options and 837 File
* Added PHQ-9 Form
* Login Screen Improvements and Fixes
* Branding and Logo Improvements for Multisite
* CCDA Improvements and Fixes
* FHIR Improvements and Fixes
* API Improvements and Fixes
* Calendar Improvements and Fixes
* Prescription and Medication Improvements and Fixes
* Patient Portal Improvements and Fixes
* Vitals form improvement and Fixes
* Billing Improvements and Fixes
* Payment Improvements and Fixes
* Invoice Improvements
* Encounter Improvements and Fixes
* Insurance Improvements and Fixes
* Messaging Improvements and Fixes
* [[Comlink_Telehealth|Telehealth Module]] Improvements and Fixes
* Layout Editor Improvements and Fixes
* ICD10 Codes Update
* ICD10 Import Improvements
* GAD7 Form Improvements
* External Data Report Improvements and Fixes
* Module Installer Improvements
* Google Sign-in Module Fixes
* Track Anything Module Fix
* File White Listing Fixes
* Patient Portal Registration Fix
* Patient Search Fix
* Patient History Form Fix
* Patient Portal EASIPRO Fix
* Patient Portal History Form Fix
* Growth Chart Fix
* Practice Settings Insurance Companies and Pharmacies Fixes
* Procedure Statistics Report Fix
* Background Service Manager Fix
* Recall Board Fixes
* Language Editor Fixes
* [https://github.com/openemr/openemr-devops/tree/master/kubernetes#overview Docker Updates to Support Kubernetes and Orchestration]
* PHP 8.1 and 8.2 Fixes
* Security Fixes
= Version 7.0.0 =
:'''Article on release: [https://www.open-emr.org/blog/openemr-achieves-onc-certification-with-groundbreaking-release-70/ OpenEMR Achieves ONC 2015 Cures Update Certification with Groundbreaking Release 7.0]'''
* [[OpenEMR_Wiki_Home_Page#2015_ONC_Ambulatory_EHR_Certification|ONC Certification]]
* New Clinical Quality Measures Reporting
* New Automated Measure Calculations Reporting
* New Support For USPS Address Verification
* New [[Social_Screening_Tool|Social Screening Tool Form]]
* New Support for Using Patient Portal Compliant Encounter Forms in Patient Portal
* New Support for Multiple Addresses in Demographics
* API Support Improvements
* FHIR Support Improvements
* OAuth2 Support Improvements
* CCDA Support Improvements
* Module Support Improvements
* Patient Portal Improvements
* Patient Dashboard Improvements
* QRDA Support Improvements
* [[OpenEMR_7.0.0_API-prior#FHIR_API|FHIR Documentation Updates]]
* [[OpenEMR_7.0.0_API-prior#Standard_API|API Documentation Updates]]
* Patient Portal Email Registration Fix
* Billing Fixes
* Fee Sheet Fixes
* Eye Form Fix
* Calendar Fix
* WENO Fixes
* MedEx Fixes
* Code Selector Fixes
* ACL (Access Control Lists) Fixes
* Multisite Module Fixes
* Insurance Fix
* Medical Issues Fix
* Backup Fix
* PHP 8 Fixes
* Security Fixes
= Version 6.1.0 =
(note the items with ** can also be found in the most recent patch for 6.0.0)
* [[Sphere_Payment_Processing_Module|New Support for Fully Integrated Payment Processing]]**
* Patient Portal New Features and Improvements**
::* User Interface Improvements
::* New Support for Template Profiles and Patient Groups
::* Forum post covering new Patient Portal features at: https://community.open-emr.org/t/newly-revamped-patient-portal-v6-0-4-and-future-v6-1-0/17776
::* Video covering new Patient Portal features at: https://youtu.be/UnYBr0wlAZk
::* Documentation covering new Patient Portal features at: https://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/6-0-0-4_Patch_Special_Instructions
* [[Lifemesh_Telehealth_Module|New Support for Fully Integrated Telehealth Modules]]**
* [https://www.open-emr.org/wiki/images/f/f0/Google.Sign.In.Directions.pdf New Support for Google Sign-In]
* New Support for Implantable Devices
* New Support for Care Teams
* New GAD-7 Form**
* Numerous User Interface Improvements
* FHIR Support Improvements
* OAuth2 Support Improvements
* CCDA Support Improvements
* Module Support Improvements
* Demographics Improvements and Fixes
* Direct Message Improvements and Fixes
* Messaging Improvements
* Inventory Improvements
* Translation Editor Improvements
* Login Page Improvements
* Dictation Form Improvements
* Added Setting to Turn on/off Input of onset/hospitalization Date for Each Visit**
* Clinical Decision Rules Editor Fixes**
* Calendar Fixes
* MedEx Improvements and Fixes
* Newcrop eRX Fixes**
* WENO Exchange ePrescribing Fixes**
* Vitals Form Fix**
* Eye Form Fixes**
* Layout Based Form fix**
* Patient Finder Fix**
* Billing Fixes
* EDI History Fixes
* Fee Sheet Fix**
* Billing Daysheet Fix**
* Collection Report Fix**
* Document Fixes
* Procedure Order Fixes
* Address Book Fix
* Code Types Fix**
* Pnote Fix**
* Backup Fixes
* Unique Installation ID Fix**
* Session and Timeout Fixes
* PHP 8 Fixes
* MySQL 8 Fix**
* Sql Upgrade Optimizations**
* UUID Creation Optimizations
* [[OpenEMR_6.1.0_API|Added Swagger to Support FHIR/API Documentation and Testing]]
* Security Fixes
= Version 6.0.0 =
* Numerous User Interface Improvements
* Speed and Performance Optimizations
* New Support for FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
* New Support for SMART on FHIR
* New Support for OAuth2
* New Support for OIDC (OpenID Connect)
* [[Administration_Globals#Enable_Easipro|New Support For EasiPro (Patient Reported Outcomes)]]
* [https://github.com/openemr/openemr-devops/tree/master/kubernetes New Support for Kubernetes]
* New Docker Support for Raspberry Pi
* New Support for Argon Password Hashing
* New Database Support for utf8mb4 Encoding
* Patient Portal Improvements
* REST API Improvements
* Installer Improvements
* Patient Dashboard Improvements
* LDAP Improvements Including SSL Support
* Billing Improvements
* Payment and Batch Payment Improvements
* Fee Sheet Improvements
* Patient Flow Board Improvements
* Calendar Improvements
* Encounter Improvements
* Messaging improvements
* Patient History Improvements
* Immunization Module Improvements
* Dicom Viewer Improvements
* Procedure Order Form Improvements
* Referral Form Improvements
* Prior Auth Form Improvements
* Newcrop Rx Improvements
* CDR (Clinical Decision Rules) Engine Improvements
* CCDA Improvements
* MedEx Improvements
* Multisite Module Improvement
* CouchDB Improvements Including SSL Support
* Access Control Improvements
* Cookie and Session Improvements
* Logging Improvements
* Docker Improvements
* ICD10 Code Set Updated
* Supported in 34 Languages
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
* Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Versions of PHP, MariaDB and MySQL
* Modernization of Codebase
* Automated Testing
* Docker Development Environment Improvements
= Version 5.0.2 =
* 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
* Numerous User Interface Improvements that Include Bootstrap and Responsive Web Design
* Numerous Security Improvements
* Multi-Factor Authentication Support (Support for TOTP and U2F)
* Robust Encryption Support
* Brute Force Login Prevention
* Access Control Improvements
* Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Improvements
* Optimization of Security for Sessions and Cookies
* Docker Deployment that Supports Best Security Practices
* New Support for Online Payment Universal Gateway (Authorize.Net and Stripe Supported)
* New Support for Insurance Eligibility Checking
* New Support for SNOMED Release Format 2 (RF2)
* New Support for Unique UUID to Identify Application
* New Howto Documentation and Tooltips
* External Module Support Improvements
* Patient Portal Improvements
* Patient Flow Board and Recall Board Improvements
* Patient Lookup and Searching Improvements
* Calendar Module Improvements
* CCDA Module Improvements
* Eye Form Module Improvements
* CAMOS Form Improvements
* Online Drug Lookup Improvements
* Online Drug Interactions Lookup Improvements
* Billing Module Improvements
* Collections Report Improvements
* Patient Documents Module Improvements
* CouchDB Support Improvements
* Lab Module Improvements
* Messaging Module Improvement
* MedEx Module Improvements
* List Editor Module Improvements
* Log Module Improvements
* Prescription Module Improvements
* WENO eRx Improvements
* NewCrop eRx Improvements
* Backup Module Improvements
* Birthday Alert Improvements
* ICD10 Code Set Updated
* SNOMED RF2 Support
* Supported in 34 Languages
* Internationalization Improvements
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
* Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of MySQL and MariaDB
* Speed and Performance Optimizations
* Modernization of Codebase
* Complete InnoDB Database Support
= Version 5.0.1 =
* 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
* User Interface improvements
* New Feature Packed Patient Portal
* New Institutional Billing Support
* New FHIR Support
* New DICOM Image Viewer Support
* New [[OpenEMR_ePrescribe#Weno|WENO Rx With E-prescribing Support]]
* New Active Directory Support
* New Support for [[Role_Based_Menus|Role Based Menus and Custom Menus]]
* New [[Recall_Board|Recall Board (for reminders)]]
* New Group Therapy Module
* New [[MedEx|MedEx Communication Service]]
* New User Interface Themes
* New Patient Picture Icon
* New Patient Birthday Reminder
* New Support for MySQL/MariaDB SSL Connections
* CCDA Module Improvements
* Graphing Module Improvements
* Lab Module Improvements
* PDF Module Improvements
* Billing Module Improvements
* Patient Forms/Notes Module Improvements
* Prescription Module Improvements
* Immunization Module Improvements
* Access Control Improvements
* Patient Document Management Improvements
* Messaging Improvements
* Patient Tracker Board Improvements
* Eye Module Improvements
* Date and Time Localization Improvements
* Date and Time Selector Improvements
* Backup Module Improvements
* Nation Note Module Improvements
* Layout Engine Improvements
* RTL Support Improvements
* Form Validation Improvements
* Data Encryption Support Improvements
* ICD10 Code Set Updated
* Supported in 34 Languages
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
* Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
* Speed and Performance Optimizations
* Standardized Styling of Codebase
* Modernization of Codebase
= Version 5.0.0 =
* 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
* New Modern Tab Based User Interface
* New Modern Ophthalmology/Optometry Module.
* New Logo
* New Login Screen
* User Interface improvements
* New Recurrent Appointment Widget on Patient Summary Page
* New Daily Summary Report
* New User Interface Themes
* New Feature to Import and Set holidays
* New Product Registration Feature
* Patient Tracker Board Improvements
* Patient Billing Statement improvements
* ICD10 Code Set Updated
* Form Validation Improvements
* Patient Appointment Display Improvements
* Fee Sheet Improvements
* EDI Module Improvements
* Supported in 33 Languages
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
* Converted Database Engine to InnoDB
* Migrated Main Codebase Repository to GitHub
= Version 4.2.2 =
* 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
* Compatible with PHP7
* Compatible with most recent versions of MySQL and MariaDB
* Added a modern user interface
* Added full support for right to left languages
* Added an About link/page
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Supported in 30 languages
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
= Version 4.2.1 =
* 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
* [[Patient_Flow_Board|New Patient Flow Board]]
* New Care Coordination Zend Module by ZH Healthcare
* [[Random_Drug_Screening|New Random Drug Screening Module]]
* New Patient Ledger
* New Layout Based Transactions
* New Print Logging Feature
* New Support For CCDA files
* Clinical Decision Rule Engine Improvements
* Patient Portal Improvements
* Lab Module Improvements
* Immunization Module Improvements
* Patient Demographics Module Improvements
* Logging Module Improvements
* Billing Module Improvements
* Fee Sheet Module Improvements
* Patient Search Module Improvements
* Sales Report Improvements
* Collection Report Improvements
* Appointment Report Improvements
* ICD10 Support Improvements and Fixes
* Patient Scheduling Module Improvements and Fixes
* Esign Module Fixes
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Supported in 30 languages
* Support for most recent ICD10 code set
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
= Version 4.2.0 =
* 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
* [[Patient Portal#CMS Portal|CMS Portal (Patient Portal via a Wordpress Module)]]
* [[Admin Globals 4.2.0 E-Sign|E-Sign Patient Forms and Encounters]]
* [[Templates_for_Patient_Documents|Templates for Patient Documents]]
* [[Track Anything Form|Track Anything Form]].
* PDF output printing; Patient Label, Patient Address Label, Barcode Label
* Modules Manager (supports both ZEND and native modules)
* Patient Form Searching
* Numerous Layout Based Visit Form Improvements
* 0 Option, read only, Layout Based Visit Form
* A Option, age in years in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
* B Option, age in weeks in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
* P Option, default to previous value, Layout Based Visit Form
* Field Skipping feature in Layout Based Visit Form
* Source attribute in Layout Based Visit Form
* Lab Module Improvements
* Patient Education Module Improvements
* Billing Module Improvements, [[Administration_Globals#Billing_Log_Option| amend/overwrite View Log]]
* Patient Statement with [[Media:Setting_up_the_statements_dunning_for_OpenEmr.pdf|Dunning Messages]] (coming soon)
* [[Media:Using_The_End_of_Day_Report_in_OpenEmr.pdf|End of Day Report]] (Day Sheet)
* Direct Messaging Module Improvements
* Log Module Improvements
* Supported in 26 languages
* Support for most recent ICD9 and ICD10 code sets
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
* Numerous Bug Fixes

== Version 4.0 ==
= Version 4.1.2 =
<span style="color:red;"><b>UNDER CONSTRUCTION</b></span>
* Continues to have Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: [http://oncchpl.force.com/ehrcert/ehrproductdetail?allClassification=BothEHR&attestationYear=None&browseBy=vendorName&completeOnly=false&counter=0&criteriaIds=&criteriaSearchByMeasures=false&doLastSearch=false&id=a0Aa000000aLcVVEA0&lastSearch=searchByField&modularOnly=false&pageNumber=1&pageSize=25&practiceRadio2014=Both&searchByType=productName&searchByValue=openemr&showSeachOption=BothEHR&sortAsc=true&sortBy=3&viewCertYear=2011&viewPracticeSetting=Ambulatory Certification Page]
* Interoperability Support with Electronic Transfer and Incorporation of Patient Records via Standardized Continuity of Care Records
Profound GUI improvements.
* Send and Receive Medical Records via [[Direct|Direct Messaging]]
Added a Patient Summary Screen, which displays modular patient information.
* Patients Can Send Their Records within Patient Portal via [[Direct|Direct Messaging]]
Added another layout (sliding menus) display option.
* Electronic Lab Ordering and Result Collection
Added user specific settings to control display layout and internationalization options.
* Merging of Duplicate Patient Records
Added a lab/procedure exchange and viewing module.
* Searching of Patient Forms/Notes
Added another note creation method, xmlformgenerator.
* Lab Results in Patient Reports
Added graphical charting of vital.
* EDI Claim History Analysis Module
Added graphical charting of layout based forms.
* Patient Reports Created in Multipage PDF
New markedly improved Billing/Payment module added.
* Ability to Clear the Active Patient
Patient photo and ID card are supported without any additional customizations.
* Extended SNOMED Support to Import US Extension Code Set and Non-English SNOMED Code Sets
Packaged ICD9 codes with release.
* Extended SNOMED Support to Clinical Terms
* Expanded Options for Recurring Appointments
* Option to Show Configurable Number of Past Clinic Appointments on Patient Summary Screen
* CDR Engine Reporting Improvements
* Patient Portal (both onsite and offsite) Improvements
* Lab Module Improvements
* Immunization Module Improvements
* Fee Sheet Module Improvements
* Billing Module Improvements
* Patient Form Module Improvements
* Code Type Module Improvements
* Improved Configuration Options and Support for Adding Code Types/Sets
* Improvements to Date of Birth calculations, formatting and options
* Improved Configuration Options for Growth Charts
* Improved Configuration Support for Issues
* Improved Interface for Adding, Modifying and Configuring Codes
* Support for lb and ounces in vitals
* New Forms
* Support for Background Services and a Background Services Manager Interface
* Automated Installation Script Improvements
* Document Module Engine Improvements
* Upgraded Embedded PhpMyAdmin
* Session Management Improvements
* Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
* Numerous Bug Fixes
* Supported in 20+ languages. (not including a dummy language)

Improved appointment report to report available appointments and support repeating appointments.
= Version 4.1.1 =
* Continues to have Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: [http://oncchpl.force.com/ehrcert/EHRProductDetail?id=a0A3000000LW494EAD&retURL=%2Fehrcert%2FEHRProductSearch&setting=Ambulatory Certification Page]
* Supported in 19 languages
* Supports ICD10 diagnosis and billing coding
* Supports SNOMED diagnosis coding
* Supports 5010 X12
* Ability to add support for region specific diagnosis/billing coding sets.
* Importing mechanism to support importing and upgrading of ICD9, ICD10, SNOMED and RxNORM standardized data.
* Modernized login screen
* Calendar layout improvements
* Reminders and Dated Reminders
* Compatible with MySQL 5.5 and PHP 5.4
* Ability to customize prescription layout, DEA, NPI and state license number
* Explicit support for a separate primary provider and referring provider in patient demographics
* Billing and Payment module improvements
* Supports multiple billing code modifiers
* Support for procedure specific claim notes
* Supports CouchDB storage of documents
* Additional patient searching mechanism added (Patient List)
* Customizable Facility specific user information tracking
* CQM and AMC reports with options for assigning patient-provider relationships
* Sort fax/scan pages to match the original order in a displayed document
* Ability to enter/modify Vital Signs timestamps
* The disclosures display screen supports pagination
* Additional contributed forms
* Multiple bug and security fixes
* Multiple database performance enhancements
* Patching mechanism
* Patient Notes module and the Message module are fully integrated/compatible
* Translation module supports comments in constants and translations
* ADODB framework upgraded
* Jquery framework upgraded
* Ubuntu package supports upgrading of Multisite Module OpenEMR instances

Improved address book to capture person or company centric items.
= Version 4.1.0 =
* Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: [http://oncchpl.force.com/ehrcert/EHRProductDetail?id=a0A3000000LW494EAD&retURL=%2Fehrcert%2FEHRProductSearch&setting=Ambulatory Certification Page]
* Clinical Decision Rules (CDR)
* E-Prescribing
* Embedded Internationalized Patient Portal
* Secure SOAP APIs to support third party patient portals
* Graphical form API
* Graphical pain form
* Patient education portal
* Calculation and reporting of Clinical Quality Measure (CQM)
* Calculation and reporting of Automated Measures Calculations (AMC)
* Addition of mechanisms to track/record AMC
* Added a medical record template and WYSIWYG editor (called "Nation Notes") to the Layout Based Forms (LBF) engine
* Support for standardized immunizations entry (CVX codes)
* Can record patient death (if patient is deceased, then is indicated in the patient summary screen)
* Ability to Hide/Show Left Pane Menu
* Option to color code calendar elements by facility
* Support for importing RXNORM data tables
* Support for importing SNOMED data tables
* New data object/types supported in Layout Based Forms(LBF) and the form generation tool, XMLformgen.
* New CSS theme, babyblue
* Chiropractor assessment form
* Ubuntu package is now compatible with Ubuntu 11.04
* Numerous bug fixes, cosmetic fixes and security fixes

Document corruption checking (via SHA-1 validation).
= Version 4.0.0 =
Exporting and importing of encrypyted documents.
* Officially ONC certified as a modular EHR: http://tinyurl.com/4sgaw8a
* Profound GUI improvements throughout entire application with full support of four CSS themes.
* New layout (sliding menus) display option.
* Patient Summary Screen, which displays modular patient information.
* Graphical charting of vital.
* Graphical charting of pertinent layout based forms.
* New improved Billing/Payment module.
* Added ability to delete a payment or adjustment, and to reset statements-sent count.
* Support for checking insurance eligibility.
* Added option for HCFA text form output
* Administration settings can be modified within OpenEMR (ie. no longer need to modify the globals file).
* User specific settings to control display layout and internationalization options.
* Support for multiple sites/databases from a single installation.
* Lab/procedure exchange and viewing module.
* New markedly improved logging engine (optional support of ATNA).
* Electronic Syndrome Surveillance reporting.
* Ability to search patients by procedures.
* Appointment report upgraded to list available appointments and support repeating appointments.
* Address book upgraded to capture person or company centric items, such as Laboratories.
* Document corruption checking (via SHA-1 validation).
* Exporting and importing of encrypyted documents.
* Added ability to edit patient insurance information in the new patient form.
* Widened support for CAMOS prescriptions and improved integration of CAMOS in the patient custom report..
* Translation editor module upgraded to manage local definitions and synchronize them with official translation releases.
* Support sorting/searching translations by the definitions in the translation editor module.
* Imagemagick (conversion of pdf's to jpg's) in custom reports is now supported on Windows servers also.
* Increased document upload size limit to 64MB.
* Upgraded to phpMyAdmin 2.11.10
* Supports command line installation.
* Updated user manual.
* Ability to produce EOB statements in PDF format.
* Improvements in Invoice Module.
* Support for custom formatting of currency, date and time.
* Added improved Messaging Module.
* Support for emergency user access.
* Support for an xml based method of form creation, xmlformgenerator.
* Patient photo and ID card are supported without any additional customizations.
* Packaged ICD9 codes with release.
* Support for recording disclosures.
* Improved security model.
* Numerous bug fixes.
* Migrated our development repository from cvs to git.

Added ability to delete a payment or adjustment, and to reset statements-sent count
Added sorting in fax script, so page displays order matches original document
Fix in EOB in creating ar_session entries
Fix to prevent cross-scripting security vulnerability (involving the patient name).
Improvements in demographic form validation.
Fixed provider matching bug in encounter report.
Fixed display of provider in Billing Report page.
Fixed a minor syntax issue in the main database file.
Can now edit patient insurance information in the new patient form.
Link to the new patient form has been added to the calendar scheduler pop-up.
CAMOS prescription now works even if no encounter is selected.
Bug fix to not show html code in billing statements.
Bug fix in the number to text converter.
Bug fix in the language gui to avoid duplicate definitions
Bug fix in the sl_convert.php script
Added the initial code for automated bug testing.
Several bug fixes in the formmaker script
Several bug fixes in the language editor
Added a customization log feature to the language editor (If you want this feature, more configuration is required; see '''[[Configure Language Editor Improvements For 3.2|HERE]]''' for instruction)
Can filter by definitions in the language editor
Other improvements to the language editor gui
Imagemagick in custom reports supports Windows (see '''[[FAQ#What_is_ImageMagick.3F|HERE]]''' for more information)
Support internationalization (utf8 characters) in patient search screen
Bug fix to show dob and age in header when click encounter link in Billing->Fee screen
Support use of apostrophes and quotes in the administration->language gui
CAMOS support to clone justification billing codes
CAMOS billing codes set to be authorized by default
CAMOS form placeholders work in the reports
Increased document upload size limit to 64MB
Added option for HCFA text form output
Ensure a prescription drug name is entered in the prescription entry form
Fixed CAMOS form title bug in the patient custom reports, and modified so the CAMOS links will not be included when print these reports
Added a date widget to the insurance effective date entry in the demographics page
Fixed the insurance date widgets in the demographics page
Fixed the date widget in the find appointment page

Latest revision as of 21:27, 7 June 2024


This is for listing the new features in each release.

Version 7.0.2

Version 7.0.1

  • ONC Certification
  • New Support for Following Easy to Use Core Modules:
  • New FHIR and Encounter Questionaires and Assessments
  • New PKCE Support for Oauth2
  • New Real World Testing Report
  • New Support for Immunizations Export to Spreadsheet
  • New Support for Login Tokens
  • Added Voided Claim to Misc Billing Options and 837 File
  • Added PHQ-9 Form
  • Login Screen Improvements and Fixes
  • Branding and Logo Improvements for Multisite
  • CCDA Improvements and Fixes
  • FHIR Improvements and Fixes
  • API Improvements and Fixes
  • Calendar Improvements and Fixes
  • Prescription and Medication Improvements and Fixes
  • Patient Portal Improvements and Fixes
  • Vitals form improvement and Fixes
  • Billing Improvements and Fixes
  • Payment Improvements and Fixes
  • Invoice Improvements
  • Encounter Improvements and Fixes
  • Insurance Improvements and Fixes
  • Messaging Improvements and Fixes
  • Telehealth Module Improvements and Fixes
  • Layout Editor Improvements and Fixes
  • ICD10 Codes Update
  • ICD10 Import Improvements
  • GAD7 Form Improvements
  • External Data Report Improvements and Fixes
  • Module Installer Improvements
  • Google Sign-in Module Fixes
  • Track Anything Module Fix
  • File White Listing Fixes
  • Patient Portal Registration Fix
  • Patient Search Fix
  • Patient History Form Fix
  • Patient Portal EASIPRO Fix
  • Patient Portal History Form Fix
  • Growth Chart Fix
  • Practice Settings Insurance Companies and Pharmacies Fixes
  • Procedure Statistics Report Fix
  • Background Service Manager Fix
  • Recall Board Fixes
  • Language Editor Fixes
  • Docker Updates to Support Kubernetes and Orchestration
  • PHP 8.1 and 8.2 Fixes
  • Security Fixes

Version 7.0.0

Article on release: OpenEMR Achieves ONC 2015 Cures Update Certification with Groundbreaking Release 7.0
  • ONC Certification
  • New Clinical Quality Measures Reporting
  • New Automated Measure Calculations Reporting
  • New Support For USPS Address Verification
  • New Social Screening Tool Form
  • New Support for Using Patient Portal Compliant Encounter Forms in Patient Portal
  • New Support for Multiple Addresses in Demographics
  • API Support Improvements
  • FHIR Support Improvements
  • OAuth2 Support Improvements
  • CCDA Support Improvements
  • Module Support Improvements
  • Patient Portal Improvements
  • Patient Dashboard Improvements
  • QRDA Support Improvements
  • FHIR Documentation Updates
  • API Documentation Updates
  • Patient Portal Email Registration Fix
  • Billing Fixes
  • Fee Sheet Fixes
  • Eye Form Fix
  • Calendar Fix
  • WENO Fixes
  • MedEx Fixes
  • Code Selector Fixes
  • ACL (Access Control Lists) Fixes
  • Multisite Module Fixes
  • Insurance Fix
  • Medical Issues Fix
  • Backup Fix
  • PHP 8 Fixes
  • Security Fixes

Version 6.1.0

(note the items with ** can also be found in the most recent patch for 6.0.0)

  • New Support for Fully Integrated Telehealth Modules**
  • New Support for Google Sign-In
  • New Support for Implantable Devices
  • New Support for Care Teams
  • New GAD-7 Form**
  • Numerous User Interface Improvements
  • FHIR Support Improvements
  • OAuth2 Support Improvements
  • CCDA Support Improvements
  • Module Support Improvements
  • Demographics Improvements and Fixes
  • Direct Message Improvements and Fixes
  • Messaging Improvements
  • Inventory Improvements
  • Translation Editor Improvements
  • Login Page Improvements
  • Dictation Form Improvements
  • Added Setting to Turn on/off Input of onset/hospitalization Date for Each Visit**
  • Clinical Decision Rules Editor Fixes**
  • Calendar Fixes
  • MedEx Improvements and Fixes
  • Newcrop eRX Fixes**
  • WENO Exchange ePrescribing Fixes**
  • Vitals Form Fix**
  • Eye Form Fixes**
  • Layout Based Form fix**
  • Patient Finder Fix**
  • Billing Fixes
  • EDI History Fixes
  • Fee Sheet Fix**
  • Billing Daysheet Fix**
  • Collection Report Fix**
  • Document Fixes
  • Procedure Order Fixes
  • Address Book Fix
  • Code Types Fix**
  • Pnote Fix**
  • Backup Fixes
  • Unique Installation ID Fix**
  • Session and Timeout Fixes
  • PHP 8 Fixes
  • MySQL 8 Fix**
  • Sql Upgrade Optimizations**
  • UUID Creation Optimizations
  • Added Swagger to Support FHIR/API Documentation and Testing
  • Security Fixes

Version 6.0.0

  • Numerous User Interface Improvements
  • Speed and Performance Optimizations
  • New Support for FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
  • New Support for SMART on FHIR
  • New Support for OAuth2
  • New Support for OIDC (OpenID Connect)
  • New Support For EasiPro (Patient Reported Outcomes)
  • New Support for Kubernetes
  • New Docker Support for Raspberry Pi
  • New Support for Argon Password Hashing
  • New Database Support for utf8mb4 Encoding
  • Patient Portal Improvements
  • REST API Improvements
  • Installer Improvements
  • Patient Dashboard Improvements
  • LDAP Improvements Including SSL Support
  • Billing Improvements
  • Payment and Batch Payment Improvements
  • Fee Sheet Improvements
  • Patient Flow Board Improvements
  • Calendar Improvements
  • Encounter Improvements
  • Messaging improvements
  • Patient History Improvements
  • Immunization Module Improvements
  • Dicom Viewer Improvements
  • Procedure Order Form Improvements
  • Referral Form Improvements
  • Prior Auth Form Improvements
  • Newcrop Rx Improvements
  • CDR (Clinical Decision Rules) Engine Improvements
  • CCDA Improvements
  • MedEx Improvements
  • Multisite Module Improvement
  • CouchDB Improvements Including SSL Support
  • Access Control Improvements
  • Cookie and Session Improvements
  • Logging Improvements
  • Docker Improvements
  • ICD10 Code Set Updated
  • Supported in 34 Languages
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
  • Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Versions of PHP, MariaDB and MySQL
  • Modernization of Codebase
  • Automated Testing
  • Docker Development Environment Improvements

Version 5.0.2

  • 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
  • Numerous User Interface Improvements that Include Bootstrap and Responsive Web Design
  • Numerous Security Improvements
  • Multi-Factor Authentication Support (Support for TOTP and U2F)
  • Robust Encryption Support
  • Brute Force Login Prevention
  • Access Control Improvements
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Improvements
  • Optimization of Security for Sessions and Cookies
  • Docker Deployment that Supports Best Security Practices
  • New REST API
  • New Support for Online Payment Universal Gateway (Authorize.Net and Stripe Supported)
  • New Support for Insurance Eligibility Checking
  • New Support for SNOMED Release Format 2 (RF2)
  • New Support for Unique UUID to Identify Application
  • New Howto Documentation and Tooltips
  • External Module Support Improvements
  • Patient Portal Improvements
  • Patient Flow Board and Recall Board Improvements
  • Patient Lookup and Searching Improvements
  • Calendar Module Improvements
  • CCDA Module Improvements
  • Eye Form Module Improvements
  • CAMOS Form Improvements
  • Online Drug Lookup Improvements
  • Online Drug Interactions Lookup Improvements
  • Billing Module Improvements
  • Collections Report Improvements
  • Patient Documents Module Improvements
  • CouchDB Support Improvements
  • Lab Module Improvements
  • Messaging Module Improvement
  • MedEx Module Improvements
  • List Editor Module Improvements
  • Log Module Improvements
  • Prescription Module Improvements
  • WENO eRx Improvements
  • NewCrop eRx Improvements
  • Backup Module Improvements
  • Birthday Alert Improvements
  • ICD10 Code Set Updated
  • SNOMED RF2 Support
  • Supported in 34 Languages
  • Internationalization Improvements
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
  • Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of MySQL and MariaDB
  • Speed and Performance Optimizations
  • Modernization of Codebase
  • Complete InnoDB Database Support

Version 5.0.1

  • 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
  • User Interface improvements
  • New Feature Packed Patient Portal
  • New Institutional Billing Support
  • New FHIR Support
  • New DICOM Image Viewer Support
  • New WENO Rx With E-prescribing Support
  • New Active Directory Support
  • New Support for Role Based Menus and Custom Menus
  • New Recall Board (for reminders)
  • New Group Therapy Module
  • New MedEx Communication Service
  • New User Interface Themes
  • New Patient Picture Icon
  • New Patient Birthday Reminder
  • New Support for MySQL/MariaDB SSL Connections
  • CCDA Module Improvements
  • Graphing Module Improvements
  • Lab Module Improvements
  • PDF Module Improvements
  • Billing Module Improvements
  • Patient Forms/Notes Module Improvements
  • Prescription Module Improvements
  • Immunization Module Improvements
  • Access Control Improvements
  • Patient Document Management Improvements
  • Messaging Improvements
  • Patient Tracker Board Improvements
  • Eye Module Improvements
  • Date and Time Localization Improvements
  • Date and Time Selector Improvements
  • Backup Module Improvements
  • Nation Note Module Improvements
  • Layout Engine Improvements
  • RTL Support Improvements
  • Form Validation Improvements
  • Data Encryption Support Improvements
  • ICD10 Code Set Updated
  • Supported in 34 Languages
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
  • Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
  • Speed and Performance Optimizations
  • Standardized Styling of Codebase
  • Modernization of Codebase

Version 5.0.0

  • 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
  • New Modern Tab Based User Interface
  • New Modern Ophthalmology/Optometry Module.
  • New Logo
  • New Login Screen
  • User Interface improvements
  • New Recurrent Appointment Widget on Patient Summary Page
  • New Daily Summary Report
  • New User Interface Themes
  • New Feature to Import and Set holidays
  • New Product Registration Feature
  • Patient Tracker Board Improvements
  • Patient Billing Statement improvements
  • ICD10 Code Set Updated
  • Form Validation Improvements
  • Patient Appointment Display Improvements
  • Fee Sheet Improvements
  • EDI Module Improvements
  • Supported in 33 Languages
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
  • Converted Database Engine to InnoDB
  • Migrated Main Codebase Repository to GitHub

Version 4.2.2

  • 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
  • Compatible with PHP7
  • Compatible with most recent versions of MySQL and MariaDB
  • Added a modern user interface
  • Added full support for right to left languages
  • Added an About link/page
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Supported in 30 languages
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements

Version 4.2.1

  • 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
  • New Patient Flow Board
  • New Care Coordination Zend Module by ZH Healthcare
  • New Random Drug Screening Module
  • New Patient Ledger
  • New Layout Based Transactions
  • New Print Logging Feature
  • New Support For CCDA files
  • Clinical Decision Rule Engine Improvements
  • Patient Portal Improvements
  • Lab Module Improvements
  • Immunization Module Improvements
  • Patient Demographics Module Improvements
  • Logging Module Improvements
  • Billing Module Improvements
  • Fee Sheet Module Improvements
  • Patient Search Module Improvements
  • Sales Report Improvements
  • Collection Report Improvements
  • Appointment Report Improvements
  • ICD10 Support Improvements and Fixes
  • Patient Scheduling Module Improvements and Fixes
  • Esign Module Fixes
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Supported in 30 languages
  • Support for most recent ICD10 code set
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements

Version 4.2.0

  • 2014 ONC Certified as a Modular EHR
  • CMS Portal (Patient Portal via a Wordpress Module)
  • E-Sign Patient Forms and Encounters
  • Templates for Patient Documents
  • Track Anything Form.
  • PDF output printing; Patient Label, Patient Address Label, Barcode Label
  • Modules Manager (supports both ZEND and native modules)
  • Patient Form Searching
  • Numerous Layout Based Visit Form Improvements
  • 0 Option, read only, Layout Based Visit Form
  • A Option, age in years in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
  • B Option, age in weeks in Date field, Layout Based Visit Form
  • P Option, default to previous value, Layout Based Visit Form
  • Field Skipping feature in Layout Based Visit Form
  • Source attribute in Layout Based Visit Form
  • Lab Module Improvements
  • Patient Education Module Improvements
  • Billing Module Improvements, amend/overwrite View Log
  • Patient Statement with Dunning Messages (coming soon)
  • End of Day Report (Day Sheet)
  • Direct Messaging Module Improvements
  • Log Module Improvements
  • Supported in 26 languages
  • Support for most recent ICD9 and ICD10 code sets
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
  • Numerous Bug Fixes

Version 4.1.2

  • Continues to have Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: Certification Page
  • Interoperability Support with Electronic Transfer and Incorporation of Patient Records via Standardized Continuity of Care Records
  • Send and Receive Medical Records via Direct Messaging
  • Patients Can Send Their Records within Patient Portal via Direct Messaging
  • Electronic Lab Ordering and Result Collection
  • Merging of Duplicate Patient Records
  • Searching of Patient Forms/Notes
  • Lab Results in Patient Reports
  • EDI Claim History Analysis Module
  • Patient Reports Created in Multipage PDF
  • Ability to Clear the Active Patient
  • Extended SNOMED Support to Import US Extension Code Set and Non-English SNOMED Code Sets
  • Extended SNOMED Support to Clinical Terms
  • Expanded Options for Recurring Appointments
  • Option to Show Configurable Number of Past Clinic Appointments on Patient Summary Screen
  • CDR Engine Reporting Improvements
  • Patient Portal (both onsite and offsite) Improvements
  • Lab Module Improvements
  • Immunization Module Improvements
  • Fee Sheet Module Improvements
  • Billing Module Improvements
  • Patient Form Module Improvements
  • Code Type Module Improvements
  • Improved Configuration Options and Support for Adding Code Types/Sets
  • Improvements to Date of Birth calculations, formatting and options
  • Improved Configuration Options for Growth Charts
  • Improved Configuration Support for Issues
  • Improved Interface for Adding, Modifying and Configuring Codes
  • Support for lb and ounces in vitals
  • New Forms
  • Support for Background Services and a Background Services Manager Interface
  • Automated Installation Script Improvements
  • Document Module Engine Improvements
  • Upgraded Embedded PhpMyAdmin
  • Session Management Improvements
  • Numerous Security Fixes and Security Improvements
  • Numerous Bug Fixes
  • Supported in 20+ languages. (not including a dummy language)

Version 4.1.1

  • Continues to have Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: Certification Page
  • Supported in 19 languages
  • Supports ICD10 diagnosis and billing coding
  • Supports SNOMED diagnosis coding
  • Supports 5010 X12
  • Ability to add support for region specific diagnosis/billing coding sets.
  • Importing mechanism to support importing and upgrading of ICD9, ICD10, SNOMED and RxNORM standardized data.
  • Modernized login screen
  • Calendar layout improvements
  • Reminders and Dated Reminders
  • Compatible with MySQL 5.5 and PHP 5.4
  • Ability to customize prescription layout, DEA, NPI and state license number
  • Explicit support for a separate primary provider and referring provider in patient demographics
  • Billing and Payment module improvements
  • Supports multiple billing code modifiers
  • Support for procedure specific claim notes
  • Supports CouchDB storage of documents
  • Additional patient searching mechanism added (Patient List)
  • Customizable Facility specific user information tracking
  • CQM and AMC reports with options for assigning patient-provider relationships
  • Sort fax/scan pages to match the original order in a displayed document
  • Ability to enter/modify Vital Signs timestamps
  • The disclosures display screen supports pagination
  • Additional contributed forms
  • Multiple bug and security fixes
  • Multiple database performance enhancements
  • Patching mechanism
  • Patient Notes module and the Message module are fully integrated/compatible
  • Translation module supports comments in constants and translations
  • ADODB framework upgraded
  • Jquery framework upgraded
  • Ubuntu package supports upgrading of Multisite Module OpenEMR instances

Version 4.1.0

  • Official ONC Complete Ambulatory EHR Certification: Certification Page
  • Clinical Decision Rules (CDR)
  • E-Prescribing
  • Embedded Internationalized Patient Portal
  • Secure SOAP APIs to support third party patient portals
  • Graphical form API
  • Graphical pain form
  • Patient education portal
  • Calculation and reporting of Clinical Quality Measure (CQM)
  • Calculation and reporting of Automated Measures Calculations (AMC)
  • Addition of mechanisms to track/record AMC
  • Added a medical record template and WYSIWYG editor (called "Nation Notes") to the Layout Based Forms (LBF) engine
  • Support for standardized immunizations entry (CVX codes)
  • Can record patient death (if patient is deceased, then is indicated in the patient summary screen)
  • Ability to Hide/Show Left Pane Menu
  • Option to color code calendar elements by facility
  • Support for importing RXNORM data tables
  • Support for importing SNOMED data tables
  • New data object/types supported in Layout Based Forms(LBF) and the form generation tool, XMLformgen.
  • New CSS theme, babyblue
  • Chiropractor assessment form
  • Ubuntu package is now compatible with Ubuntu 11.04
  • Numerous bug fixes, cosmetic fixes and security fixes

Version 4.0.0

  • Officially ONC certified as a modular EHR: http://tinyurl.com/4sgaw8a
  • Profound GUI improvements throughout entire application with full support of four CSS themes.
  • New layout (sliding menus) display option.
  • Patient Summary Screen, which displays modular patient information.
  • Graphical charting of vital.
  • Graphical charting of pertinent layout based forms.
  • New improved Billing/Payment module.
  • Added ability to delete a payment or adjustment, and to reset statements-sent count.
  • Support for checking insurance eligibility.
  • Added option for HCFA text form output
  • Administration settings can be modified within OpenEMR (ie. no longer need to modify the globals file).
  • User specific settings to control display layout and internationalization options.
  • Support for multiple sites/databases from a single installation.
  • Lab/procedure exchange and viewing module.
  • New markedly improved logging engine (optional support of ATNA).
  • Electronic Syndrome Surveillance reporting.
  • Ability to search patients by procedures.
  • Appointment report upgraded to list available appointments and support repeating appointments.
  • Address book upgraded to capture person or company centric items, such as Laboratories.
  • Document corruption checking (via SHA-1 validation).
  • Exporting and importing of encrypyted documents.
  • Added ability to edit patient insurance information in the new patient form.
  • Widened support for CAMOS prescriptions and improved integration of CAMOS in the patient custom report..
  • Translation editor module upgraded to manage local definitions and synchronize them with official translation releases.
  • Support sorting/searching translations by the definitions in the translation editor module.
  • Imagemagick (conversion of pdf's to jpg's) in custom reports is now supported on Windows servers also.
  • Increased document upload size limit to 64MB.
  • Upgraded to phpMyAdmin 2.11.10
  • Supports command line installation.
  • Updated user manual.
  • Ability to produce EOB statements in PDF format.
  • Improvements in Invoice Module.
  • Support for custom formatting of currency, date and time.
  • Added improved Messaging Module.
  • Support for emergency user access.
  • Support for an xml based method of form creation, xmlformgenerator.
  • Patient photo and ID card are supported without any additional customizations.
  • Packaged ICD9 codes with release.
  • Support for recording disclosures.
  • Improved security model.
  • Numerous bug fixes.
  • Migrated our development repository from cvs to git.