Difference between revisions of "User:Leo Itaia"

From OpenEMR Project Wiki
m (Creating user page with biography of new user.)
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Latest revision as of 06:27, 19 May 2016

My name is Leo Itaia. I am single Male and originate from Papua New Guinea, an island in the Pacific Ocean Northwest of Australia. I am from Central Province in the Kairuku-Hiri District. I am a graduate Community Health Worker and I am employed as a Nursing Officer in the Private Medical Centre. I love helping people whenever I can and also enjoy traveling, swimming, eating good food and drinking good wine. I have seven siblings (two sisters and five brothers and they are all alive. I main aim learning how to use this OpenEMR application is to understand and familiarise all the features and functions of the application so I can use it in my health centre setting in my mums community in the near future. Thank you.