Matthew Vita, a software developer and project administrator for OpenEMR and Dr. Andre Millet, a physician and medical officer for OpenEMR were pleased to present “Improving Outpatient and Inpatient Care with the OpenEMR Platform” at WONCA South Asia Region 2017.
Matthew Vita, a software developer and project administrator for OpenEMR and Dr. Andre Millet, a physician and medical officer for OpenEMR were pleased to present “Improving Outpatient and Inpatient Care with the OpenEMR Platform” at WONCA South Asia Region 2017.
This Kathmandu, Nepal-based conference was primarily focused on General Practitioners (GP). Despite a developing status, Nepal is a leader in GP education and practice. General Practitioners Association of Nepal (GPAN) coordinated this successful conference along with World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) and WONCA South Asia Region (WONCA SAR). The event took place on the 25th and 26th of November. Mr. Vita and Dr. Millet’s presentation was given during the oral lectures section. Highlights include an overview of the volunteer approach to developing an EMR system, current outpatient features and their clinical benefits, as well as development plans to introduce more clinical features including inpatient support. The presentation was met with a healthy interest from many in the audience and some of the providers have begun working with the OpenEMR community in its open source and open science format.