3 Things to Know About OpenEMR & Sphere

Post date  November 6, 2022
Author  OpenEMR

OpenEMR now offers partners streamlined payments, fully integrated into the OpenEMR platform. You will be able to access this feature by signing up with our new integrated credit card processor, Sphere.

With this integration, you can expect dependable solutions and excellent support. Here are three things to know:

  1. Easily accept payments online, mail order/telephone order (MOTO) and key-entered.
  2. Security is a top priority. Sphere supports the ID Tech SREDKey2 terminal for key-entered payments. This encrypting device allows for added security and reduces partners’ PCI scope.
  3. For your convenience, Sphere offers low flat rate pricing. Alternatively, you can provide statements for a cost analysis and savings offer.

Sphere was an easy choice for OpenEMR. Sphere is trusted by more than a third of the 100 largest health systems in the US and thousands of independent medical providers across the country to facilitate and drive secure payments by being highly integrated into clients’ workflows, patient billing systems, and electronic health records. With a client-centric approach, Sphere provides a better way to integrate software-based financial solutions for smoother & more secure payment experiences.

To learn more, visit Open EMR’s Sphere Payment Processing Module page.

For information on getting started, please contact: Angie Eshuis, Partner Program Manager | Sphere 657.383.7878 | Angela.Eshuis@spherecommerce.com