From OpenEMR Project Wiki


This is a project that was recently started to auto-document the OpenEMR codebase.


  • (Was completed with phpDocumentor using following command on ubuntu: sudo phpdoc -t apidocs -o HTML:default:default -d . --ignore apidocs/,gacl/,phpmyadmin/,library/adodb/,interface/main/calendar/pnadodb/)


  • Directories/Files to ignore:
  • apidocs/
  • Reason - This is the API docs directory
  • gacl/
  • Reason - This is an embedded module with an API already included. Additionally, connector functions can be found at library/ .
  • phpmyadmin/
  • Reason - This is an embedded application that does not communicate directly with OpenEMR.
  • library/adodb/
  • Reason - This is an embedded module and connector functions can be found at library/
  • interface/main/calendar/pnadodb/
  • Reason - This is an embedded module and connector functions can be found at library/