Eye Exam

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Eye (Ophthalmology/Optometry) Module

This document provides an in depth look into the usage of the OpenEMR Eye Exam form.

General overview

Eye (Ophthalmology/Optometry) Module

The Eye Exam is an OpenEMR form for ophthalmology and optometry. It is feature rich, yet remarkably simple to use. It is written to mirror the workflows of the provider. Given that workflows vary from provider to provider, the Eye Exam is adaptive and seeks to learns the preferences of each provider, based on how it is used by a given doctor. It's like it is alive. At least that is how we want it to appear. It is listening to what you do as you do it, and learns. The more you use it, the more it learns. The more it learns, the more feedback it can give you.

The Eye Form is one page. No need to click around looking for data - it is all in front of you.

When a provider documents something, it is stored. Done. No submit button. No clicks. Just move on to the next patient.

And how can a provider document? Text/Shorthand/Draw? Yes, yes and yes.

  • Text input is boring, but the standard in EHRs. Better get a scribe if you want to remain productive and plan to use this technique exclusively.
  • Drawing. Well, the technology is getting better but it is not the best way to complete a whole exam. The Eye Exam has draw sections for each area because, as eye doctors, we like pictures. Use a pen, a mouse or a touch screen. It's all good when it comes to this form.
  • Shorthand. To the non-ophthalmologist/optometrist, this is total Greek. But to eye doctors, this is "totally, outrageously awesome". It turns your chicken-scratch into pure prose at the speed of your brain.
  • Old Records are always available, on the one page still, to compare or pull-forward into the current chart. And you can pull forward one clinical section, or all of it.

What does the form do with your clinical input, beside storing it? Is it really alive?

  • It integrates with the OpenEMR Care data management plans.
  • It recognizes diseases and translates them into diagnostic codes.
  • It builds your Impression Plan.
  • It suggests a billing code for the visit.
  • It builds your routing slip/Fee Sheet.


The eye form can be demo'd at OpenEMR Demo.


We created a unique style sheet should you wish to use it(optional).

Access it via the left menu, Administration -> Globals -> Appearance and choose the General Theme Tan.

Documentation/Display Options

Different users interact with EMRs in different ways. Sometimes we want to draw a picture, other times we need to write out our findings in detail. With the OpenEMR: Eye Exam, you can use a number of different methods to document your exam.

  • TEXT: fill in anatomic-specific fields with text by typing
  • PULL FORWARD: pull-forward values from an earlier encounter
  • DRAW: draw your findings
  • QUICK PICKS: select from a dynamic list of clinical findings
  • SHORTHAND: a rapid method for entering findings via the keyboard based on traditional shorthand used with paper charts.
  • DICTATION: users facile with the Shorthand module and with dictation software can dictate their notes in shorthand format directly into the Shorthand zone, or directly into the fields with the aid of their mouse to navigate through the EMR.
  • DEFAULTS: populate the form with default values.

NOTE: Active Charting vs. READ-ONLY mode:

Right Panel


Using the tab key or mouse you can select a field and type in your findings. Tab or click to move through the fields. This is the typical way we interact with web based forms, and perhaps the most common reason clinicians fail to move from paper to electronic charts...


Each portion of the form has a Draw Component. Choose the color and size and Draw away. Redo and Clear Functions extend the range of this feature. As the tools for drawing via web-based applications improve, this method of charting, which is essentially the same as using paper, will improve.

Quick Picks

Commonly used findings can be clicked on to fill the appropriate field/s on the form. Currently the list of items in the Quick Pick lists is static. Development is underway to build these lists dynamically on a per provider basis, so a provider's frequently used terms will appear over time.

KeyBoard (Shorthand)


What if you could document electronically using your shorthand?
We converted a standard ophthalmic record and commonly used shorthand terms into Eye Shorthand, an electronic lingua franca oculī.
Using this shorthand method, all findings are entered in a single text field,

and the EMR fields are automatically filled.

Paper vs. EHR:
You know what RUL: 2mm ptosis means.
With a typical EHR, you need to find and click on the field for the right upper lid and type in 2mm ptosis.
Then click on the next field, or maybe even tab to it, and type your findings for the next field. And on it goes. If this is your preferred way to document, you can do this TEXT method with this form.

Consider another example: Right C/D 0.6Vx0.4H with inferior notch, left C/D 0.5?
OK, find the correct field (right cup) to click. Enter the appropriate text, 0.6Vx0.4H with inferior notch. Then tab or click to the next field. Type 0.5.

How can we speed up this process?

Look at this example in shorthand, based on a simple structure: Field.text;Field.text;Field.text

rcup.0.6Vx0.4H w/ inf notch;lcup.0.5

Type this shorthand text into the Keyboard Entry area in the form, and the fields are automatically filled.
Done. No extra clicks.
Even a slow typist will find the Eye Exam Shorthand can speed up EHR documentation time.
It is easy to learn.
The Fields and text parts look just like our handwritten shorthand!
Type the abbreviation for a clinical field, a period/fullstop, followed by your finding, in your shorthand.
If your shorthand doesn't match the base install's shorthand, your shorthand text will be displayed.
It is easy to add your shorthand. If you need customization, add your unique style of shorthand to your local copy of /forms/eye_mag/js/js_my_base.js
Consider sharing your shorthand back to the community for future users.

The explanation below centers around four lines of typing which document normal findings and more than 40 different clinical issues.
That's a lot to document and one mighty complicated patient!
Many more issues than we would see on a routine day with routine patients, but it could happen...
Documenting this many findings would take a little bit of time on paper, and a lifetime in an EHR.
With the openEMR Shorthand, the average typist can do it in less than a minute.

Go ahead and paste the lines below into a test patient's chart. Fiddle with them.

D;bll.+2 meibomitis;rll.frank ect, 7x6mm lid margin bcc lat.a;bul.2mm ptosis;rul.+3 dermato.a; bc.+2 inj;bk.med pter;rk.mod endo gut.a;bac.+1 fc, +1 pig cells; bd.+2 bowtie pallor;rc.0.6Vx0.4H w/ inf notch;lc.0.5;rmac.+2 BDR, +CSME;lmac.flat, tr BDR;v.+PPDR, ++venous beading;rp.ht 1 o,no vh; scDist;5.8ix 1rht;4.10ix;6.6ix;2.15xt;8.5ix;ccDist;4.5ix;5.ortho;6.ortho

Right Panel

Within openEMR: Eye Exam there are detailed instructions for each section.
If you are already an eyedoc, this is simple and intuitive.

Key point: Only use the "D;" once and only at the start. It is very powerful. The D; tells Eye Exam to ERASE EVERY field and replace them with your default values (defined in /eye_mag/js/js_my_base.js). D; will replace everything with its default value.

Basic Structure

Usage: field:text(.a)(;)


Field is the shorthand term for the clinical field.
text is the complete or shorthand data to enter into this field.
field and text are separated by a "." period/fullstop.
The trailing ".a" is optional and will append the text to the data already in the field, instead of replacing it.
The semi-colon ";" is used to divide entries, allowing multiple field entries simultaneously.
The semi-colon separates entries and cannot be used within a text field.
After pressing Enter/Return, the data is submitted.

Right Panel

External: Shorthand Walk Through

Keyboard Entry

D;bll.+2 meibomitis;rll.frank ect, 7x6mm lid margin bcc lat.a;bul.2mm ptosis;rul.+3 dermato.a

Sh ext.png

This line will be recorded in OpenEMR: Eye Exam as:

Sh ext EMR.png

This is how this shorthand will appear in a Printable Report:

Sh ext report.png

External: Field Codes and Shorthand/Abbreviations

Clinical FieldShorthand* FieldExample Keyboard Entry**EMR: Field text
Default valuesD or d d;
All fields with defined default values are erased and filled with default values.
Fields without defined default values are not affected.
Right Browrb or RB rb.1cm lat ptosis
rb.med 2cm SCC
1cm lateral ptosis
medial 2cm SCC
Left Browrb or RB rb.loss of lat brow follicles
lb.no rhytids from VIIth nerve palsy
loss of lateral brow follicles
no rhytids from VIIth nerve palsy
Both Brows/Foreheadfh or FH
bb or BB
fh.+3 fh rhytids
BB.+3 glab rhytids
+3 forehead rhytids
+3 glabellar rhytids
Right Upper Lidrul or RUL RUL.1cm lat ptosis
rul.med 2cm SCC
1cm lateral ptosis
medial 2cm SCC
Left Upper Lidlul or LUL LUL.1cm lat ptosis
lul.med 2cm SCC
1cm lateral ptosis
medial 2cm SCC
Right Lower Lidrll or RLL rll.1cm lat ptosis
rll.med 2cm SCC
1cm lateral ptosis
medial 2cm SCC
Left Lower Lidlll or LLL lll.0.5cm lat ptosis
LLL.med 2cm SCC
1cm lateral ptosis
medial 2cm SCC
Right Medial Canthusrmc or RMC rmc.1cm bcc
RMC.healed dcr scar
1cm BCC
healed DCR scar
Left Medial Canthuslmc or LMC lmc.acute dacryo, tender w/ purulent drainage
lmc.1.2cm x 8mm mass
acute dacryo, tender with purulent drainage
1.2cm x 8mm mass
Right Adnexarad or RAD rad.1.8x2.0cm bcc lat
RAD.healed DCR scar
1cm BCC
healed DCR scar
Left Adnexalad or LAD lad.1cm lacr cyst protruding under lid
LAD.1.2cm x 8mm mass
1cm lacrimal cyst protruding under lid
1.2cm x 8mm mass

*case insensitive
**The default action is to replace the field with the new text.
Adding ".a" at the end of a text section will append the current text instead of replacing it.
For example, entering "4xL.+2 meibomitis.a" will append "+2 meibomitis" to each of the eyelid fields, RUL/RLL/LUL/LLL.

Anterior Segment: Shorthand Walk Through

Keyboard Entry

D;bc.+2 inj;bk.med pter;rk.moderate endo gut.a;bac.+1 fc, +1 pig cells

Sh antseg.png

This line will be recorded in OpenEMR: Eye Exam as:

Sh antseg EMR.png

This is how this shorthand will appear in a Printable Report:

Sh antseg report.png

Anterior Segment: Field Codes and Shorthand/Abbreviations

Clinical FieldShorthand* FieldExample Keyboard Entry**EMR: Field text
Default valuesD or d


All fields with defined default values are erased and filled with default values.
Fields without defined default values are not affected.
ConjunctivaRight = rc
Left = lc
Both = bc or c

rc.+1 inj

c.med pter
"+1 injection" (right conj only)
"medial pterygium" (both right and left fields are filled)
CorneaRight = rc
Left = lc
Both = bk or k

rk.+3 spk
k.+2 end gut;

rk.+1 str edema.a
"+3 SPK" (right cornea only)
"+2 endothelial guttatae" (both cornea fields) AND "+1 stromal edema" (appended to Right cornea field)
Anterior ChamberRight = rac
Left = lac
Both = bac or ac

rac.+1 fc

ac.+2 flare
"+1 flare/cell" (right A/C field only)
"+2 flare" (both A/C fields)
LensRight = rl
Left = ll
Both = bl or l

RL.+2 NS
ll.+2 NS;

l.+3 ant cort spokes.a
"+2 NS" (right lens only)
"+2 NS" (both lens fields) AND "+3 anterior cortical spokes" (appended to both lenses)
IrisRight = ri
Left = li
Both = bi or i

bi.12 0 iridotomy
ri.+2 TI defects.a;

"12 o'clock iriditomy" (both iris fields)
", +2 TI defects" (right iris field AND "round" (left iris field only)
GonioRight = rg
Left = lg
Both = bg or g

rg.ss 360

lg.3-5 o angle rec
SS 360
3-5 o'clock angle recession
PachymetryRight = rp
Left = lp
Both = bp or p

lp.625 um

p.550 um
"625 um" (left pachymetry field)
"500 um" (both pachymetry fields)
Schirmer IRight = rsch1
Left = lsch1
Both = bsch1 or sch1


sch1.> 10mm/5 minutes
"5mm" (right field only)
> 10mm/5 minutes" (both fields)
Schirmer IIRight = rsch2
Left = lsch2
Both = bsch2 or sch2

rsch2.9 mm

sch2.> 10mm/5 minutes
"9 mm" (right field only)
> 10mm/5 minutes" (both fields)
Tear Break-up TimeRight = RTBUT
Left = LTBUT
Both = BTBUT or tbut
tbut.> 10 seconds
Rtbut.5 secs;ltbut.9 seconds;
"10 seconds" (both fields)
"5 seconds" (right) AND "9 seconds" (left)

*case insensitive
**The default action is to replace the field with the new text.
Adding ".a" at the end of a text section will append the current text instead of replacing it.
For example, entering "bk.+2 str scarring.a" will <class="underline bold">append</class> "+2 stromal scarring" to both the right (rc) and left cornea fields (lc).

External Shorthand Abbreviations:

The following terms will be expanded from their shorthand to full expression in the EMR fields:

Enter this:Get this:
sebcasebaceous cell

Retina: Shorthand Walk Through

Keyboard Entry

D;bd.+2 bowtie pallor;rc.0.6Vx0.4H w/ inf notch;lc.0.5;rmac.+2 BDR, +CSME;lmac.flat, tr BDR;v.+PPDR, ++venous beading;rp.ht 1 o,no vh;
Sh retina.png

This line will be recorded in OpenEMR: Eye Exam as:

Sh retina EMR.png

This is how this shorthand will appear in a Printable Report:

Sh retina report.png

Retina: Field Codes and Shorthand/Abbreviations

Clinical FieldShorthand* FieldExample Keyboard Entry**EMR: Field text
Default valuesD or d d;
All fields with defined default values are erased and filled with default values.
Fields without defined default values are not affected.
Disc Right = rd
Left = ld
Both = bd or d
rd.temp pallor, PPA
c.NVD at 5 o
"temporal pallor, PPA" (right disc only)
"NVD at 5 o'clock" (both right and left disc fields)
CupRight = rc
Left = lc
Both = bc or c
rc.0.5 w/ inf notch
c.temp scalloping, 0.5.a;rk.+1 str edema.a
"+3 SPK" (right cornea only)
"temporal scalloping, 0.5" (appended to both cup fields)
MaculaRight = rmac
Left = lmac
Both = bmac or mac
rmac.central scar 500um
mac.soft drusen, - heme.a
"central scar 500um" (right macular field only)
"soft drusen, - heme" (appended to both macular fields)
VesselsRight = rv
Left = lv
Both = bv or v
RV.1:2, +2 BDR
lv.+CSME w/ hard exudate sup to fov (300um);v.narrow arterioles, 1:2.a;
"1:2, +2 BDR" (right vessels only)
"+CSME with hard exudate superior to fovea (300um)" (left vessel field only) AND "narrow arterioles, 1:2" (appended to both vessel fields)
PeripheryRight = rp
Left = lp
Both = bp or p
rp.12 0 ht, no heme, amenable to bubble;
bp.1 clock hour of lattice 2 o.a;li.round
"12 o'clock horseshoe tear, no heme, amenable to bubble" (right periphery field)
"1 clock hour of lattice 2 o'clock" (appended to both periphery fields)
Central Macular ThicknessRight = rcmt
Left = lcmt
Both = bcmt or cmt
254 (right CMT only)
flat (both CMT fields)

*case insensitive
**The default action is to replace the field with the new text.
Adding ".a" at the end of a text section will append the current text instead of replacing it.
For example, entering "bk.+2 str scarring.a" will <class="underline bold">append</class> "+2 stromal scarring" to both the right (rc) and left cornea fields (lc).

Retina Shorthand Abbreviations:

The following terms will be expanded from their shorthand to full expression in the EMR fields:

Enter this:Get this:
hthorsheshoe tear
abair bubble
1 o 1 o'clock
2 o2 o'clock
3 o 3 o'clock
4 o 4 o'clock
5 o 5 o'clock
6 o 6 o'clock
7 o 7 o'clock
8 o 8 o'clock
9 o 9 o'clock
10 o 10 o'clock
11 o 11 o'clock
12 o 12 o'clock
vhvitreous hemorrhage

Neuro-Physiology: Shorthand Walk Through

Keyboard Entry

scDist;5.8ix 1rht;4.10ix;6.6ix;2.15xt;8.5ix;ccDist;4.5ix;5.ortho;6.ortho

Sh neuro.png

This line will be recorded in OpenEMR: Eye Exam as:

Sh neuro EMR1.png
Sh neuro EMR2.png

This is how this shorthand will appear in a Printable Report:

Sh ext report.png

Neuro-Physiology: Field Codes and Shorthand/Abbreviations

Clinical FieldShorthand* FieldExample Keyboard Entry**EMR: Field text
Default valuesD or d


All fields with defined default values are erased and filled with default values.
Fields without defined default values are not affected.
Without correction at DistancescDist scdist; scDIST is selected for ensuing values.
With correction at DistancescDist ccdist; ccDIST is selected for ensuing values.
Without correction at NearscNear scdist; scDIST is selected for ensuing values.
With correction at NearscNear scdist; scDIST is selected for ensuing values.

*case insensitive
**The default action is to replace the field with the new text.
Adding ".a" at the end of a text section will append the current text instead of replacing it.
For example, entering "bk.+2 str scarring.a" will <class="underline bold">append</class> "+2 stromal scarring" to both the right (rc) and left cornea fields (lc).

Neuro Shorthand Abbreviations:

The following terms will be expanded from their shorthand to full expression in the EMR fields:

StrabismusEnter this:Get this:
Intermittent Esotropiaie or e(t)E(T)
Intermittent Exotropiaix or x(t)X(T)
Intermittent HypertropiaH(T)H(T)

Side Panel

This form has a built-in panel to display PMSFH and ROS data.

Top half.png
Right Panel

The Panel slides in and out from the right margin either via the menu (VIEW->PMSFH Panel)

PMSFH Menu.png

or by clicking on the Panel icon Panel.png, located in the top-right corner of the PMSFH section:


Clicking either the Panel Icon a second time, the "X" at the top of the Right Panel itself or by selecting the VIEW-> Right Panel on the menu, and the panel will slide to the right and disappear.

Full Screen Mode

If you are working in the framed mode of openEMR, you can break out into fullscreen mode by clicking on the "plus" icon at the top right corner of the page. The Eye Exam in the bottom frame will close and the billing module will replace it. A new window will open with the Eye Exam form. Pop-up blockers must be disabled for this feature to work reliably. You must authorize this new window to WRITE data to the database, otherwise it will open in READ-ONLY mode.

Application-style Menu Bar

Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness

The CC (Chief Complaint) and HPI (History of Present Illness) are standard fields present in any medical document. This form allows the user to document up to three separate complaints, CC1, CC2, CC3, with corresponding HPIs.


In the US, to reach a higher coding level, you must document a detailed HPI. This requires documenting and commenting on the status of 3 chronic or inactive problems or document 4 or more elements which comprise the current HPI. Either complete the three Chronic fields, or include the four HPI elements in your narrative, or tap the database icon to display helper fields:

HPI detailed.png


Visions/Refraction Panels

The Eye Form displays the most common visual acuities in the Vitals section.

Vitals panel.png


Clicking on the top row will open a refraction pane:
W = wearing refractions. You can document up to four pairs of glasses. One of our most enjoyable things to do...
MR = manifest refraction and cycloplegic refractions (wet and dry are in one panel).
AR = autorefraction.
CTL = contact lens measurements.
Add. = Additional measurements => keratometry, biometry, white-2-white, IOL measurements, PAM, LI and more.
Va = summary panel with all visual acuities in one place.

Clicking on one of these sections not only opens the panel, but the "letters" you click are highlighted and the form (it is starting to actually seem to be alive) remembers this as a preference. If you always enter Contact Lens info, this panel will always open for you on subsequent patients. And if you never use a panel, it won't auto-open for you.

As you are working through the visit, when the refraction data is present but not clinically relevant, you can click on "Vision", and all the refraction panels are hidden. This leaves the form uncluttered and let's you concentrate on the portions of the exam that are important at that moment.

Not to be left out, clicking on Acuity will cycle the display from SC/CC/PH to AR/MR/CR. Go ahead, give it a try on your own version. Simple. Perhaps useful. Easy to ignore if not important.

Current Rxs

Current Rxs.png

This image displays two of the four Current RXs panel. They are all similar and numbered. Use the comments to help delineate which pair is for what purpose or a description if need. In the first, the Additional RX tab will open the third and, if needed, fourth "Current Rx" panels. If you need to enter a fifth pair, my thoughts are with you. Perhaps using a soap note might help?

In the top right corner, the three icons perform the following tasks:

  1. List previous eyeglass/contact lens prescriptions given to this patient
  2. Print/dispense the current refraction as a new prescription
  3. Close the panel.


The IOP panel is basic: 3 IOP measurement types, Applanation, Tonopen and finger tension. If you need to alter this to use Schiotz, pneumotonometry, or some new way to document IOP, this can be performed by editing the file view.php.

The time is updated to when you open the form and can be directly edited to reflect the actual time if documentation and the examination are not concurrent.

The icon on the top right will lead to a graph of IOP measurements over time, in time...

Click or tap on the amsler image to cycle through six images to represent increasingly severe forms of central scotomas, numbered 0-5. Again, we are a visually leaning specialty and this is a method to visually represent the complaint. It is not an image of a patient-drawn Amsler.

Visual Fields
Clicking or tapping in a quadrant will "blacken" that quadrant. Do this as need be for each of the four quadrants per eye. Tap again to clear the field, or click the "FTCF" full-to-count-fingers box to clear them all.

Dim Pupil.png

A good pupils exam is important when there is a pupil abnormality. When there isn't, a check of "normal" fills the field with defaults. If there is a dim light pupil finding, clicking on the text "Pupils" in this panel and the Dim Pupil panel will open. Nice for Adie's, Horner's etc. Click it again to close the panel. The changes are still part of the record and will be included in the final report; they are just hidden from view to keep the interface less cluttered when you move to a new section of the exam. If you return to this chart later, and a Dim Pupil finding was identified/documented, this Dim Pupil Panel will be auto-opened for you. Use the comments box for notes or other findings such as hippus, synechiae, neutral density filters or whatever your routine calls for. Just remember it is an official medical record and although you can hide the panel it is never really lost...


Anterior Segment



Images and OpenEMR

Images can be uploaded into openEMR directly via the documents interface (Patients/Client->Summary and click the Documents link) or via the Fax/Scan interface (Administration->Fax/Scan) if you have configured it. Additionally, within each section of the clinical portion of the Eye Form, there are links to upload new images or view the current images.

Retina panel.png

When the Eye Form is first used, you will notice that multiple Imaging categories are automatically created, such as visual fields, OCT, etc. You can edit these names or add new categories using the Administration->Practice Documents link. The example shown above has an OCT image attached to this patient's file. The first icon links to the Documents upload form, the second will lead to a report generator and the final icon is only present when a document of this type is actually present. Clicking this icon will open the image viewer, to the OCT documents section. Using the image viewer you can navigate through all the images on file for this patient.

There is a file size limit that each server can handle, set during the installation process. There is no limitation on the type of files that you can store: images, movies, audio files, PDFs, etc.


The Impression Plan can be entered manually or by using the Impression/Plan Builder.

The Builder extracts potential diagnoses to include in your Impression/Plan from the Past Ocular History, the Past Medical History and the physical exam findings. If your openEMR setup includes codes such as ICD-10 and CPT codes, the Impression/Plan Builder will utilize these. If you plan to use openEMR Ophthalmology to perform your clinic's billing functions, it is advisable to choose the correct codes when a POH or PMH item is added initially. Not only will the Impression Plan Builder make full use of these codes but the Coding Engine will submit these codes to the Fee Sheet for billing.

For returning patients, the prior Impression Plan can be carried forward into the current visit where it can be directly updated with your new findings.

Printable Report

Using the Eye Form Menu, when you have completed your documentation, you can store or print a PDF copy of the encounter. File->Print/Store PDF.

Menu PDF.png

The PDF version is formatted to include any drawings which you may have made, and any clinical findings you documented. It includes your practice logo, if present on the server and an electronic signature of the provider if present on the server.

Logo = $OE_SITE_DIR/images/practice_logo.gif
Signature = $GLOBALS['webserver_root'] ."/interface/forms/eye_mag/images/sign_".$providerID.".jpg

It is recommended that you include these files when setting up your server to develop your brand look as these two files are also used when printing Refraction prescriptions as well.

Conclusions =